GMI Model Support Files for FTIR, Lidar, Sonde, and Dobson stations Now Available for 2021

Files for all lidar, sonde, Dobson, and FTIR stations are now available for download. The files were created with the GMI chemistry transport model integrated with MERRA2 meteorology. The model version is the same one used in the previous years of output (1985-2020).

The file format and content are also the same the previous years. The files for all lidar, sonde, and Dobson stations contain hourly vertical profiles of ozone, NO 2 , H 2 O, temperature, pressure, and potential vorticity at 0.75-km resolution from the surface to 60 or 0-75 km, depending on the variable. Model files for FTIR stations have temperature, pressure, and tropopause pressures reported at both the 1-2 P.M. local time and 12z. The simulated species reported at 1-2 P.M. are ozone, CO, CH 2 O, NO, and NO 2 ; all other daily species are still reported at 12z. BrO profiles and columns are reported as monthly averages.

The new GMI files for lidar, sonde, and Dobson have ‘MR2V4’ in the file names, while GMI files for FTIR have ‘MR2V3’ in their names.

All files can be downloaded from the NDACC data archive at the NASA Langley Research Center:

Please contact Susan Strahan ( for additional model support or questions.