Updated GMI Model Support Available for Sonde, Lidar, FTIR, and Dobson Stations

Model outputs generated by the Theory and Analysis Working Group are now available as netCDF files for individual stations from 1985–2017. They can be downloaded via the NDACC GMI Model Data Access website: https://www-air.larc.nasa.gov/missions/ndacc/data.html?GMI_MODEL=gmi-list.  The files are generated from a GMI chemistry transport model (CTM) simulation integrated with MERRA2 reanalysis meteorology. They have realistic constituent variability from daily to seasonal timescales. Simulated station data are useful for providing an understanding of station data variability and representativeness, thus building a bridge between individual station measurements and the global perspective. A brief description of the GMI CTM and its uses can be found at http://www.ndacc-theory.org/24.php. Detailed information on the GMI CTM and this simulation (Hindcast-MERRA2) can be found at https://gmi.gsfc.nasa.gov.

Files for all lidar, sonde, and Dobson stations contain hourly vertical profiles of O3, NO2, H2O, temperature, pressure, and potential vorticity at 1 km resolution from 0-60 or 0-75 km, depending on the variable. There were no changes in format in the past year. Output is now available for 5 southern hemisphere Dobson stations that recently joined NDACC. They are MacQuarie Island, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, and Darwin.

Model files for FTIR stations have the same variables and format as in previous years. These files contain daily profiles and columns on 72 pressures, surface to 0.01 hPa, for O3, N2O, CH4, CO, HCl, ClONO2, NO, NO2, HNO3, CFC-11, and CFC-12. Daily profiles of MERRA2 temperature and potential vorticity and tropopause pressure are also included. Monthly average profiles and columns are included for CCl4, C2H6, CH2O, and HCFC-22.

The content of these files reflects the needs of the instrument working groups. Additional fields are available upon request via the contact form on the NDACC webpages.