SHADOZ publications featuring recent reprocessing activity

SHADOZ (an NDACC Cooperating Network) data have been re-processed over the past 2-3 years with four papers documenting the activity and evaluating changes in the data and uncertainties as follows.  You may be able to download some of the articles directly from the publisher.  Otherwise, all are downloadable at the website:

Witte, J.C., A. M. Thompson, H. G. J. Smit, M. Fujiwara, F. Posny, Gert J. R. Coetzee, F. R. da Silva (2017), First reprocessing of Southern Hemisphere ADditional OZonesondes (SHADOZ) profile records (1998-2015): 1. Methodology and evaluation, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 122, 6611-6636.

Thompson, A. M., J. C. Witte, C., Sterling, A., Jordan, B. J., Johnson, S. J. Oltmans, Thiongo, K. (2017). First reprocessing of Southern Hemisphere Additional Ozonesondes (SHADOZ) ozone profiles (1998-2016): 2. Comparisons with satellites and ground-based instruments. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 122, 13,000-13,025.

Witte, J. C., Thompson, A. M., Smit, H. G. J., Vömel, H., Posny, F., & Stübi, R. (2018). First reprocessing of Southern Hemisphere ADditional OZonesondes profile records: 3. Uncertainty in ozone profile and total column. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123, 3243-3268.

Sterling, C. W., B. J. Johnson, S. J., Oltmans, H. G. J. Smit, A., Jordan, P. D., Cullis, E. G., Hall, A. M., Thompson, and J. C. Witte (2017). Homogenizing and Estimating the Uncertainty in NOAA's Long Term Vertical Ozone Profile Records Measured with the Electrochemical Concentration Cell Ozonesonde, Atmos. Meas. Tech.