Data Information

A public archive of all NDACC affiliated data and associated products as listed below is available at the Data Host Facility (DHF) hosted by NASA Langley (LaRC) at   Tools to query and identify data using the catalog database attributes are available to the public here.

All persons extracting data from this website agree to the NDACC Data Use Agreement.

NDACC Affiliated Data

Public data

All NDACC data more than one year old are public data. Additionally some PIs have authorized their data for early release. These data are available as soon as they are cataloged in the database. This public record is available at or through a search tools available on the NDACC website (

Proprietary data

All NDACC data newer than one year from acquisition and not authorized for early release are proprietary data and available only through direct accounts on the NDACC database. Parties interested in general access to this data should prepare a proposal to the NDACC Steering Committee for consideration as NDACC collaborators. For more information contact the NDACC Steering Committee co-Chairs. Otherwise, the use of any individual NDACC data set prior to its being made publicly available (i.e., for use associated with field campaigns, satellite validation, etc.) is possible via collaborative arrangement with the appropriate PI(s).

Rapid delivery data

It is of value to offer data to the scientific community with a maximum delay of one month. If these rapid delivery data are of less quality of traditional NDACC certified data, if the data have not yet been quality controlled, or if the data is less complete (e.g. missing uncertainty estimates) then these data must be identified as 'Rapid Delivery (RD)'. These are available separately on the NDACC public website at As soon as the standard verified version is available, the RD data will be removed and the fully verified version will be archived in the NDACC archive. Some RD datasets are from instruments that are not yet NDACC affiliated instruments.

NCEP Temperature, Geopotential Heights

The NOAA/NWS/National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) provides daily profiles of temperatures and geopotential heights on 18 pressure levels from 1000 to .4 hPa at NDACC stations. These ASCII files are publicly available at the NDACC archive at  Documentation about these data are available at .

Model Data

GMI Model Data:  NDACC instrument support data in netCDF are created from a Hindcast simulation of the NASA Global Modeling Initiative (GMI) chemistry transport model (CTM) integrated with MERRA2. The files include daily or hourly vertical profiles for constituents and meteorological fields for 1985-2022. Files supporting Dobson, Lidar and Sonde instruments contain hourly data. The files supporting FTIR measured species contain daily data. The model data are available from the NDACC database at  Readme information can be found at 

REPLAY Model Data:  NDACC instrument support data in netCDF are also available from a Hindcast simulation of the GEOS Replay Model that uses the GMI chemical mechanism with the meteorology replayed to MERRA2. The files include daily (FTIR) or 3-hourly (Dobson, Lidar and Sonde) vertical profiles for constituents and meteorological fields for 1996-2020.  The model data are available from the NDACC database at .  Readme information can be found at .


MUlti-platform remote sensing of Isotopologues for investigating the Cycle of Atmospheric water (MUSICA) is a European Research Council (ERC) project. The FTIR products are H2O profiles for the lower, middle and upper troposphere as well as H2O-dD pairs for the lower and middle troposphere. The data have been produced for 12 FTIR stations and date back to 1996. Ten of these FTIR stations belong to NDACC. The dataset is available from the NDACC database at