On October 18-20,2021, the NASA/GSFC Greenbelt ozone group of Ryan Stauffer (NDACC Sonde WG Co-Chair), Debra Kollonige, and Anne Thompson (former NDACC SC Co-Chair) traveled to the NASA/WFF NDACC station to meet with Rhonie Wolff and Tom Northam and perform two dual ozonesonde test launches. The test launches were part of the ongoing ozonesonde data quality assurance effort, and compared different ozonesonde (EnSci and Science Pump Corp.; SPC) and radiosonde manufacturers, and ground receiving stations.
The figure on the top left shows the dual ozonesonde ozone partial pressure profiles from 19 and 20 October. On both days the ozonesondes measured within 2-3% of each other, as well within 2-3% compared to the NASA/WFF ground-based Dobson instrument, and satellite total column ozone. Photos from top right and across the bottom: Anne Thompson next to a ground receiving antenna; Prentiss Moore (NASA/WFF MetOps) carrying out a weather balloon; Debra Kollonige, Rhonie Wolff, and Prentiss Moore preparing to launch a dual ozonesonde; Debra Kollonige and Ryan Stauffer preparing and comparing the dual ozonesonde measurements to a surface ozone analyzer.