The NDACC Steering Committee held its annual meeting 13–16 September 2021. Originally scheduled to take place at the NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction (NCWCP) in College Park, MD, the meeting was changed to a virtual format because of ongoing COVID-19 restrictions.
News and Events for 2021
On October 18–20,2021, the NASA/GSFC Greenbelt ozone group of Ryan Stauffer (NDACC Sonde WG Co-Chair), Debra Kollonige, and Anne Thompson (former NDACC SC Co-Chair) traveled to the NASA/WFF NDACC station to meet with Rhonie Wolff and Tom Northam and perform two dual ozonesonde test launches.
In January 2021, the solar FTIR instrument at NCAR in Boulder was accepted as a formal NDACC station. The Infrared Working Group (IRWG) is composed of 20 stations making daily observations and producing vertical profiles of 12 standard species.
This summer we discovered there was another bug hiding in our 2020 simulation. If you happened to look at tropospheric ozone from May–Dec you might have wondered how the world got so polluted, especially with reduced travel during the pandemic.
Dobson Observations from Utqiaġvik, Alaska have been operated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Global Monitoring Laboratory since 1973.
It is our pleasure to send you the first announcement of the 30th International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC-30), to be held from June 26 to July 1st, 2022 in Big Sky, Montana, USA. ILRC-30 will be co-located and held in parallel with the Coherent Laser Radar Conference (CLRC).
In a comprehensive review, the SPARC S-RIP activity has conducted a coordinated intercomparison of reanalysis data sets with respect to key diagnostics. The results can be used to provide guidance on the appropriate use of reanalysis products in scientific studies of relevance to SPARC and beyond.
Progress continues on the migration of the NDACC DHF from its original home at NOAA's Climate Prediction Center (CPC) to its new home at NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC). New this month is the availability of the NCEP temperature and height extraction tool on the public LaRC NDACC DHF.
The latest SHADOZ Newsletter has been posted and SHADOZ was featured in NASA's bimonthly "Earth Observer." Both publications describe three recent SHADOZ regional meetups to build up communications while locked down and the change in PI from Anne Thompson to Ryan Stauffer.
The simulation has been rerun and new GMI CTM 2020 files are available for FTIR, Lidar, Sonde, and Dobson sites. Due to a peculiar error, all model inputs after May 4, 2020 had been flipped by 180º longitude.