October 23, 2012 marks the official opening of the the Southern Tropical high altitude NDACC Maido Observatory in Reunion Island. After more than 15 years effort from CNRS-INSU, the Region and the University of Reunion Island, the construction of the Observatoire de Physique de l'Atmosphere (OPAR) was completed in July 2012.
News and Events for 03/2013
The NDACC Working Group on Water Vapor announces the publication: ISSI Scientific Report 10: Monitoring Atmospheric Water Vapour edited by Niklaus Kampfer. The aim of the book is to assess in detail in situ and remote sensing techniques presently used to monitor on a regular basis the distribution of atmospheric water vapor.
In 1996, in an attempt to resolve an inconsistency between ozone profile trends obtained from satellite vs. ground-based measurements, the Stratospheric Processes and their Role in Climate (SPARC) project of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) initiated a collaboration with the International Ozone Commission (IO3C) to carefully re-evaluate the ground-based and satellite ozone data.