The Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN) provides near-continuous, long-term, in situ-observed, Earth-surface, broadband irradiances (solar and thermal infrared) and certain related parameters from a network of more than 50 globally diverse sites.
News and Events for 09/2011
NDACC welcomes new UV data from the United States National Science Foundation's network of UV spectrometers operated by Biospherical Instruments Inc. The spectral UV data set from this network is one of the longest and most extensive in existence, and covers geographical areas where ozone changes have been most pronounced.
The MOHAVE-2009 campaign took place on October 11–27, 2009 at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) Table Mountain Facility in California. This third MOHAVE campaign involved more instruments and datasets than the two previous ones held in 2006 and 2007.