Latitude: 90° S
Longitude: NA° E
Elevation: 2835 msl
Status: Active
Station Representative(s):
Brian Vasel
Chief of Observatory Operations
NOAA ESRL Global Monitoring Laboratory
NDACC Measurements at the South Pole, Antarctica Station
Instrument | Status | Period | Parameter | Affiliations | Data Link | Metadata | |
DobsonD042 | Active | 1963
Ozone | NOAA/ESRL | Ames | Metadata Summary
G. McConville (NOAA/ESRL) — Daily Dobson data archived since December 1963. Dobson #82 from 1963–2004; Dobson #80 from 2004-2009. Dobson #82 from 2009–2012. Dobson #42 replaced #82 at the end of 2012. |
Microwave Radiometer | Campaign | 1993
HNO3, N2O, Ozone | SUNY | Ames | Metadata Summary
R. de Zafra (SUNY) — Two mm wave spectrometers (a rebuild of the original SUNY instrument and a new unit) have operated in a campaign mode since 1990. Deployments at South Pole Station were for 11-month periods in 1993 and 1995. Also has retrieved N2O, and HNO3. |
SondeECC | Active | 1990
Ozone | NOAA/ESRL | Ames | Metadata Summary
B. Johnson and S. Oltmans (NOAA/ESRL) — Approximately 75 soundings per year since 1986. Data archived at NDACC since 1990. |
SondeBackscatter | Inactive | 1990
Aerosol | U. Wyoming | Ames | Metadata Summary
J. Rosen (U. Wyoming) — Backscatter measurements from 1990 to 1991. |
SondeDustsonde | Inactive | 1972
Aerosol | U. Wyoming | Ames | Metadata Summary
J. Rosen (U. Wyoming) — Dustsonde measurements of aerosol profiles from 1972 to 1980. |
UV SpectroradiometerSUV-100 | Active | 1990
UV | NOAA/ESRL, Biospherical Instr. | Ames | Metadata Summary
S. Stierle (NOAA/ESRL) and G. Bernhard (Biospherical Instr.) — Spectral distribution of UV irradiance (280–600 nm) with an SUV-100 double monochromator. Measurements initiated in February 1988 and archived since 1990. Calibrated fortnightly. |