Latitude: 46.78° N
Longitude: 9.68° E
Elevation: 1840 msl
Status: Inactive
Station Representative(s):
Dr. René Stubi
Federal Office for Meteorology and Climatology
MeteoSwiss Aerological Station
Payerne, Switzerland
Inactive since February 18, 2021, instruments moved to Davos, Switzerland.
NDACC Measurements at the Arosa, Switzerland Station
Instrument | Status | Period | Parameter | Affiliations | Data Link | Metadata | |
DobsonD101, D062 | Inactive | 1990
Ozone | MeteoSwiss | Ames | Metadata Summary
R. Stübi (MeteoSwiss) and H. Schill (PMOD/WRC Davos) — Daily Dobson #101 observations until 2014, Dobson #062 after. The Dobson has been fully automated since 2014. Data begin in July 1926, archived since 1990. This instrument moved to Davos in February 2021. Data through 2013 archived under previous PI (Viatte). |
PMOD: Physical Meteorological Observatory in Davos (Switzerland)
WRC: World Radiation Centre