Latitude: 66.99° N
Longitude: 50.95° W
Elevation: 180-300 msl
Status: Active
Station Representative(s):
Dr. Niels Larsen
Danish Climate Center
Danish Meteorological Institute
Copenhagen, Denmark
NDACC Measurements at the Søndre Strømfjord, Greenland Station
Instrument | Status | Period | Parameter | Affiliations | Data Link | Metadata | |
BrewerB053 | Active | 1998
Ozone | DMI | Ames | Metadata Summary
N. Jepsen (DMI) – Brewer #053 observations when sunlit conditions permit beginning in February 1998. Data through 2016 archived under original PI (P. Eriksen). |
FTIR SpectrometerEOCOM | Campaign | 1994
Column - multiple species | NCAR | Ames | Metadata Summary
J. Hannigan, M. Coffey, and W. Mankin (NCAR) – SESAME Campaign data have been archived for the period October 1994 to March 1995. |
LidarRayleigh/Mie | Inactive | 1994
Temperature | SRI, U. Colorado | Ames | Summary
A. Bhatt (SRI) and J. Thayer (U. Colorado) – Rayleigh/Mie system in operation since November 1992. Operated year-round with a daylight-measurement capability. Also retrieved backscatter-ratio profiles of noctilucent clouds and polar stratospheric clouds. Data archived from 1994 - 2008 under former PI, Heinselman and subsequently through 2015 under M. McCready. Measurements ceased in 2018 due to station closure. |
SondeBackscatter | Campaign | 1995
Aerosol | U. Wyoming, DMI | Ames | Metadata Summary
J. Rosen (U. Wyoming) and N. Larsen (DMI) – Backscatter profile measurements available for January 1995 and January 1996. |
UV/Visible SpectrometerSAOZ | Active | 2017
Multiple Species | LATMOS-IPSL, DMI | HDF latmos007 | Metadata Summary
A. Pazmino, F. Goutail (LATMOS-IPSL) and Nis Jepsen (DMI) - SAOZ system for NO2 and ozone operated since September 2017. The instrument previously operated at Thule station (1990-2016). New reference spectrum created and retrieval updated following UVVIS WG recommendations. |
Photo Credit: N. Jepsen