Latitude: 77.87° S
Longitude: 34.62° W
Elevation: 250 msl
Status: Active
NDACC Measurements at the Belgrano II Station, Antarctica Station
Instrument | Status | Period | Parameter | Affiliations | Data Link | Metadata | |
SondeECC-Vaisala | Active | 2016
Ozone | INTA | Ames | Metadata Summary
M. Yela Gonzalez, M. Navarro Comas, and J. A. Adame (INTA) — Vaisala ECC-6a sondes launched year-round (40 /year) since 1999, with increased frequency during Austral spring. More frequent launches have occurred during specific campaigns. Launches were reduced in August–December (2015–2016) due to budget issues. In 2017 joined NDACC. Data from 1999 to 2016 not yet archived. |
UV/Visible SpectrometerMAXDOAS | Active | 2017
Multiple Species | INTA | HDF | Metadata Summary
M. Yela Gonzalez, O. Puentedura and M. Navarro Comas (INTA) — Zenith measurements of column NO2 since 1995 with a grating scanning monochromator. Since 2011, MAXDOAS system has been operating for BrO and OClO. Since 2014, another MAXDOAS system has been operating for NO2 and ozone. The scanning system will continue to take measurements until 2020 in order to overlap with those by the MAXDOAS systems. In 2017 joined NDACC. Data from 1995 to 2016 not yet archived. |