Payerne, Switzerland

Latitude: 46.82° N
Longitude: 6.95° E
Elevation: 491 msl

Status: Active


Station Representative(s):

Dr. Eliane Maillard Barras
Dr. Giovanni Martucci
Dr. Alexander Haefele
Federal Office for Meteorology and Climatology
MeteoSwiss Aerological Station
Payerne, Switzerland

NDACC Measurements at the Payerne, Switzerland Station

Instrument Status Period Parameter Affiliations Data Link
LidarRaman Active
Water Vapor MeteoSwiss HDF
Microwave RadiometerSOMORA Active
Ozone MeteoSwiss AmesHDF
SondeBrewer-Mast/ECC Active
Ozone MeteoSwiss Ames
ECC: Electrochemical Concentration Cell (relates to ozonesondes)
SOMORA: Stratospheric Ozone MOnitoring RAdiometer