Latitude: 43.46° N
Longitude: 143.77° E
Elevation: 380 msl
Status: Active
Station Representative(s):
Dr. T. Nagahama
Solar-Solar Terrestrial Environment Laboratory
Nagoya University
Nagoya, Japan
NDACC Measurements at the Rikubetsu, Japan Station
Instrument | Status | Period | Parameter | Affiliations | Data Link | Metadata | |
FTIR SpectrometerBruker 120M | Active | 1995
Column - multiple species, Profile - multiple species | STEL, NIES | AmesHDF | Metadata Summary
T. Nagahama (STEL) and I. Morino (NIES) — Bruker 120M (0.004 cm 1 resolution) installed by STEL in May 1995. Tested at Toyokawa (35°N, 137°E) from December 1994 to April 1995. Bruker 120/5HR (0.0035 cm-1 resolution) installed by NIES in 2013. Total column data prior to 2000 is archived under previous PI (Kondo). Operations suspended from mid-2010 to 2013. |
Microwave Radiometer | Active | 1999
Ozone | STEL, ISEE | HDF | Metadata Summary
A. Mizuno (STEL) and T. Nagahama and H. Ohyama (ISEE) — Profiles from 15 to 60 km obtained on a year-round basis since December 1999. |
UV/Visible SpectrometerBruker 120M | Inactive | 1994
Multiple Species | STEL, U. Tokyo, NIWA | Ames | Summary
Y. Matsumi (STEL), M. Koike and Y. Kondo (U. Tokyo), and P. V. Johnston (NIWA) — Measurements of NO2 and ozone were made at the Observatory from March 1994 to October 1997. |