Latitude: 52.40° N
Longitude: 20.97° E
Elevation: 96 msl
Status: Active
Station Representative(s):
M.Sc. Bogumil Kois
Agnieszka Koscielska
Institute of Meteorology and Water Management
National Research Institute
Legionowo, Poland
NDACC Measurements at the Legionowo, Poland Station
Instrument | Status | Period | Parameter | Affiliations | Data Link | Metadata | |
SondeECC | Active | 1995
Ozone | IMGW-PIB | Ames | Metadata Summary
B. Kois and M. Orlowski (IMGW-PIB) — ECC sondes launched weekly since June 1993. Additional sondes have been launched in concert with the MATCH campaigns and the Envisat/ SCIAMACHY validation program. Database extends back to 1979 with OSE sondes. The station’s WMO number is 12374. Data archived since 1995; early data archived under previous PIs (Litynska and Zablocki). |
ECC: Electrochemical Concentration Cell (relates to ozonesondes)
IMGW-PIB: Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej - Panstwowy Instytut Badawczy (Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute, Poland)