Latitude: 39.05° N
Longitude: 76.887° W
Elevation: 41 msl
Status: Active
Station Representative(s):
Belay Demoz
NDACC Measurements at the Beltsville, MD, United States Station
Instrument | Status | Period | Parameter | Affiliations | Data Link | Metadata | |
SondeCryogenic Frost Point | Active | 2005
Water Vapor | UMBC | Ames | Metadata Summary
B. Demoz (UMBC) — Monthly CFH radiosondes have been launched year-round since 2012 to obtain profiles of water vapor, temperature, pressure, and winds from the surface to about 30km. Although not with regularity — these CFH measurements extend back to 2005. A majority of these soundings are accompanied with an ECC Ozonesonde and RS92 and/or RS41. Frequent coordinated launches with the NOAA-NWS Sterling test site are made to investigate spatial homogeneity and sampling coordination with Satellite overpass. Nearly all launches are within an hour of satellite overpass times and unique for Cal-Val opportunity. |