Latitude: 43.78° N
Longitude: 79.47° W
Elevation: 187 msl
Status: Active
Station Representative(s):
Dr. Xiaoyi Zhao
Air Quality Research Division
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Toronto, Ontario
NDACC Measurements at the Toronto - Downsview, Canada Station
Instrument | Status | Period | Parameter | Affiliations | Data Link | Metadata | |
LidarDIAL | Inactive | 1991
Ozone | EC | Ames | Metadata Summary
H. Fast (EC) — DIAL system with year-round nighttime measurements from 1991 through 1997; also retrieved aerosol and temperature profiles. Data archived under the previous PI (Pal) for 1991 to 1997, with no data for 1995. Instrument positioned nearby at CREStech building 43.78N 79.50W. |
LidarRayleigh | Inactive | 1991
Aerosol, Temperature | EC | Ames | Metadata Summary
H. Fast (EC) — Year-round operation of Rayleigh system from late 1989 through April 2000. Data archived under the previous PI (Pal) for 1991 to 1993 and for 1996 to 1997. Instrument positioned nearby at CREStech building 43.78N 79.50W. |
UV/Visible SpectrometerSkySpec-1D | Active | 2015
Multiple Species | ECCC | Summary
X. Zhao (ECCC) - A SkySpec-1D instrument is deployed at Downsview Toronto, Canada since 2015. The instrument consists of a spectrometer unit that houses two spectrometers. With a prism telescope scanning in a range from 1 to 90 degrees elevation angles, the instrument observes UV-Visible spectra from 300 nm to 560 nm with a resolution of 0.6 nm. |