Latitude: 12.42° S Longitude: 130.89° E Elevation: 30 msl Status: Active Station Representative(s): Dr. Matt TullyBureau of MeteorologyMelbourneAustralia NDACC Measurements at the Darwin, Australia Station Instrument Status Period Parameter Affiliations Data Link Metadata DobsonD078 Active 1991 –present Ozone BOM Ames Metadata Summary x M. Tully (Bureau of Meteorology) — Daily Dobson #078 observations from 3 April 1990. BOM: Bureau of Meteorology (Australia)
Latitude: 12.42° S Longitude: 130.89° E Elevation: 30 msl Status: Active Station Representative(s): Dr. Matt TullyBureau of MeteorologyMelbourneAustralia