Latitude: 51.97° N
Longitude: 4.93° E
Elevation: -.7 msl
Status: Active
Station Representative(s):
Dr. Ankie Piters
Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI)
The Netherlands
NDACC Measurements at the Cabauw, Netherlands Station
Instrument | Status | Period | Parameter | Affiliations | Data Link | Metadata | |
LidarSTROZ | Campaign | 2019
Aerosol, Ozone, Temperature | GSFC, SSAI | Ames cbtg*.mgl | Metadata Summary
J. T. Sullivan (GSFC), L. Twigg (SSAI), and G. Sumnicht (SSAI) — The STROZ lidar retrieves ozone vertical profiles in the stratosphere from 10 to 50 km. Temperature to ~80 km and aerosols (at 355 nm) to 35 km also are measured. The instrument has also been modified to measure water vapor from near the ground to ~15 km. As a mobile intercomparator, it has participated in an ozone and temperature intercomparisons at Cabauw in September 2019. The 2019 data is archived in the name of the previous PI – McGee. |
UV/Visible SpectrometerPandora | Active | 2020
Multiple Species | KNMI | HDF | Metadata Summary
A. Piters (KNMI) - low-vertical resolution profiles of tropospheric NO2 and aerosol during daytime, total-columns of O3 during sunrise and sunset processed with the FRM4DOAS central processing system. |