Cabauw, Netherlands

Latitude: 51.97° N
Longitude: 4.93° E
Elevation: -.7 msl

Status: Active

Station Representative(s):

Dr. Ankie Piters
Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI)
The Netherlands

NDACC Measurements at the Cabauw, Netherlands Station

Instrument Status Period Parameter Affiliations Data Link
LidarSTROZ Campaign
Aerosol, Ozone, Temperature GSFC, SSAI Ames cbtg*.mgl
UV/Visible SpectrometerPandora Active
Multiple Species KNMI HDF
GSFC: Goddard Space Flight Center (NASA, United States)
KNMI: Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute
SSAI: Science Systems and Applications, Inc. (United States)
STROZ: STRatospheric OZone lidar