Latitude: 52.4° N
Longitude: 4.1° W
Elevation: 50 msl
Status: Inactive
Station Representative(s):
Professor Geraint Vaughan
School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences
University of Manchester
Manchester, UK
NDACC Measurements at the Aberystwyth, United Kingdom Station
Instrument | Status | Period | Parameter | Affiliations | Data Link | Metadata | |
SondeECC | Campaign | 1991
Ozone | U. Manchester | Ames | Summary
G. Vaughan (U. Manchester) – Soundings on a campaign basis from 1991–2001. Activity has been completed. |
UV/Visible SpectrometerSAOZ | Inactive | 1991
Multiple Species | U. Manchester | Ames | Metadata Summary
G. Vaughan (U. Manchester) – SAOZ system for NO2 and ozone operated since 1991. Also operated at Lerwick, UK (60.1˚N, 1.1˚E) and Aberdeen, UK (57˚N, 2˚W) during the EASOE (November 1991 to April 1992) and SESAME (February to April 1994) campaigns, respectively. Ceased operations in May 2019 due to GPS failure. |
EASOE: European Arctic Stratospheric Ozone Expedition
ECC: Electrochemical Concentration Cell (relates to ozonesondes)
SAOZ: Systeme d’Analyse par Observation Zenithale