
1994, Debacker, H., Visser, E.P.., Demuer, D., Swart, D.P.J., Potential for Meteorological Bias in Lidar Ozone Data Sets Resulting from the Restricted Frequency of Measurement Due to Cloud Cover, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 99 (D1), 1395-1401
Tags: Clouds, Lidar, Ozone

1993, Delguasta, M., Morandi, M., Stefanutti, L., Brechet, J., Piquad, J., One Year of Cloud Lidar Data from Dumont D'Urville (Antarctica) 1. General Overview of Geometrical and Optical Properties, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 98 (D10), 18575-18587
Tags: Aerosol, Clouds, Lidar

1992, Stefanutti, L., Castagnoli, F., Delguasta, M., Morandi, M., Sacco, V.M., et al., A 4-Wavelength Depolarization Backscattering Lidar for Polar Stratospheric Cloud Monitoring, Applied Physics B, 55, 13-17
Tags: Aerosol, Clouds, Lidar

1992, Notholt, J., Hjorth, J., Raes, F., Schrems, O., Simultaneous Long Path Field-Measurements of HNO2, CH2O and Aerosol, Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für physikalische Chemie, 96(3)m 290-293
Tags: Aerosol, CH2O, FTIR, HNO2

1992, Solomon, S., J. G. Keys, Seasonal variations in Antarctic NOx chemistry, Journal of Geophysical Research, 97, 7971-7978
Tags: FTIR, NOx

1991, Stamnes, K., J. Slusser and M. Bowen, Derivation of total ozone abundance and cloud effects from spectral irradiance measurements, Applied Optics, 30, 30
Tags: Clouds, Ozone, UVVis

1991, Sarkissian, A., Pommereau, J.P., Goutail, F., Identification of Polar Stratospheric Clouds from the Ground by Visible Spectrometry, Geophysical Research Letters, 18(4):779-782
Tags: Clouds, PSC, UVVis

1991, Noltholt, J., Hjorth, J., Raes, F., Long-Path Field Measurements of Aerosol Parameters and Trace Gas Concentrations - Formation of Nitrous Acid During Foggy Periods, Journal of Aerosol Science, 22 Supplement 1, S411-S414
Tags: Aerosol, FTIR, HNO2