
2021, Brunamonti, S., Martucci, G., Romanens, G., Poltera, Y., Wienhold, F. G., Hervo, M., Haefele, A., and Navas-Guzmán, F., Validation of aerosol backscatter profiles from Raman lidar and ceilometer using balloon-borne measurements, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21, 2267–2285,
Tags: Lidar, Sonde, Temperature

2021, Keckhut, P., Hauchecorne A., Meftah M., Khaykin S., Claud C., Simoneau P., Middle-Atmosphere Temperature Monitoring Addressed with a Constellation of CubeSats dedicated to Climate issues, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 38(3), 685–693,
Tags: Lidar, Satellite, Temperature

2021, Klanner, L., K. Höveler, D. Khordakova, M. Perfahl, C. Rolf, T. Trickl, H. Vogelmann, A powerful lidar system capable of one-hour measurements of water vapour in the troposphere and the lower stratosphere as well as the temperature in the upper stratosphere and mesosphere, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14, 531–555,
Tags: Lidar, Temperature, H2O

2021, Martucci, G., Navas-Guzmán, F., Renaud, L., Romanens, G., Gamage, S. M., Hervo, M., Jeannet, P., and Haefele, A., Validation of pure rotational Raman temperature data from the Raman Lidar for Meteorological Observations (RALMO) at Payerne, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14, 1333–1353,
Tags: Lidar, Temperature

2021, Wang, B., Kuang, S., Pfister, G. G., Pour-Biazar, A., Buchholz, R. R., Langford, A. O., & Newchurch, M. J. , Impact of the 2016 Southeastern US Wildfires on the Vertical Distribution of Ozone and Aerosol at Huntsville, Alabama, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126(9), e2021JD034796,
Tags: Lidar, Fire, Ozone, Aerosol

2021, Yu, P., Sean M. Davis, Owen B. Toon, Robert W. Portmann, Charles G. Bardeen, John E. Barnes, Hagen Telg, Christopher Maloney and Karen H. Rosenlof, Persistent Stratospheric Warming Due to 2019–2020 Australian Wildfire Smoke, Geophysical Research Letters, 48, 7,
Tags: Lidar, Fire, Temperature

2021, Pini, F., Piras, G., Astiaso Garcia, D., and Di Girolamo, P., Impact of the different vehicle fleets on PM10 pollution: Comparison between the ten most populous Italian metropolitan cities for the year 2018, Science of the Total Environment, 773, 145524,
Tags: Aerosol, Lidar

2021, Landi, T.C., Bonasoni, P.; Brunetti, M.; Campbell, J.R.; Marquis, J.W.; Di Girolamo, P.; Lolli, S. , Aerosol Direct Radiative Effects under Cloud-Free Conditions over Highly-Polluted Areas in Europe and Mediterranean: A Ten-Years Analysis (2007–2016). , Remote Sensing, 13, 2933,
Tags: Aerosol, Lidar

2021, Di Natale, G., Barucci, M., Belotti, C., Bianchini, G., D'Amato, F., Del Bianco, S., Gai, M., Montori, A., Sussmann, R., Viciani, S., Vogelmann, H., and Palchetti, L., Comparison of mid-latitude single- and mixed-phase cloud optical depth from co-located infrared spectrometer and backscatter lidar measurements, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14, 6749–6758,
Tags: Clouds, FTIR, Lidar

2021, Sellito, P., Salerno G., Corradini S., Xueref-Remy I., Riandet A., Bellon C., Khaykin S., Ancellet G., Lolli S., Welton E., Boselli A. et al., , Volcanic emissions, plume dispersion, and downwind radiative impacts following Mount Etna series of eruptions of February 21–26, 2021, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128 (6), e2021JD035974,
Tags: Lidar, Sonde, Volcano