Temperature Lidar (XeCl Excimer) at Eureka, Canada

Site (station location)
Eureka, Canada
Instrument Type
XeCl Excimer
Instrument Status
Periods of Activity
Cooperating Institutions
U. Toronto
M&A Directory Entry

K. Strong (U. Toronto) — Stratospheric Ozone Lidar system (SOLID) deployed in February 1993 under PI A. Carswell. Nighttime operations only. SOLID has five detection channels, including two channels used for temperature retrieval: one Rayleigh channel for temperature above 25 km (353 nm), and one Raman channel to improve the temperature profiles in the presence of aerosols (385 nm, installed in 1994). Operation suspended for 2002 and 2003. Operations resumed in 2004–2009 on a campaign basis schedule (~2 weeks in February–March) under PI K. Strawbridge. Operation suspended for 2010-2016 due to technical and funding issues. Operations resumed under PI J. Drummond since 2017 on the ~4–6 week period leading up to polar sunrise in January-March and ~2 week period in October-November. Since 2020 the PI of SOLID and PEARL is Kimberly Strong (University of Toronto). 

Early data exist in the database for 1993–1998 and 2004–2009 in NASA Ames format.