
2014, Parrish, A., I. S. Boyd, G. E. Nedoluha, et al., Diurnal variations of stratospheric ozone measured by ground-based microwave remote sensing at the Mauna Loa NDACC site: measurement validation and GEOSCCM model comparison, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14, 7255-7272
Tags: Diurnal, Microwave, Model, Ozone, Validation

1988, Barrett, J.W., P.M. Solomon, R.L. deZafra, M. Jaramillo, L. Emmons, and A. Parrish, Formation of the Antarctic ozone hole by the ClO dimer mechanism, Nature, 336, 455-458
Tags: ClO, Microwave, Ozone

1988, McKenzie, R.L., W. A. Matthews, Y. Kondo, R. Zander, Ph. Demoulin, P. Fabian, D. G. Murcray, F. J. Murcray, O. LadoBordowsky, C. Camy-Peyret, H. K. Roscoe, J. A. Pyle, and R. D. McPeters, Intercomparison of NO column measurements during MAP/GLOBUS 1985, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 7, 353-367
Tags: FTIR, NO, Validation

1988, Parrish, A., R.L. de Zafra, P.M. Solomon, and J.W. Barrett, A ground-based technique for millimeter wave spectroscopic observations of stratospheric trace constituents, Radio Science, 23, 106-118
Tags: Microwave

1988, Pommereau, J.P., F. Goutail, O3 and NO2 Ground-Based Measurements by Visible Spectrometry during Arctic Winter and Spring 1988, Geophysical Research Letters, 15, 891
Tags: NO2, Ozone, UVVis

1988, Pommereau, J.P., F. Goutail, Stratospheric O3 and NO2 Observations at the Southern Polar Circle in Summer and Fall 1988, Geophysical Research Letters, 15, 895
Tags: NO2, Ozone, UVVis

1988, Zander, R., Ph. Demoulin, Spectroscopic evidence for the presence of the v4 - Q branch of chlorine nitrate (ClONO2) in groundbased infrared solar spectra, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 6, 191-200
Tags: ClONO2, FTIR

1977, Rosen, J.M., D.J. Hofmann, Balloonborne measurements of condensation nuclei, Journal of Applied Meteorology, 16, 56-62
Tags: Aerosol, Sonde

1977, Twomey, S., B. Herman, R. Rabinoff, An Extension to the Chahine Method of Inverting the Radiative Transfer Equation, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 34, 1085-1090
Tags: Historical, Microwave

1976, Pinnick, R.G., J.M. Rosen, and D.J. Hofmann, Measured light scattering properties of individual aerosol particles compared to Mie scattering theory, Applied Optics, 12, 37-41
Tags: Aerosol, Sonde