
2002, Baron, Ph., Ph. Ricaud, J. de La Noe, J. E. P. Eriksson, F. Merino, M. Ridal, and D. Murtagh, Studies for the Odin Sub-Millimeter Radiometer: II. Retrieval methodology, Canadian Journal of Physics, 80, 341
Tags: Microwave, Satellite

2002, Irie, H., Y. Kondo, M. Koike, M. Y. Danilin, C. Camy-Peyret, S. Payan, J. P. Pommereau, F. Goutail, H. Oelhaf, G. Wetzel, G. C. Toon, B. Sen, R. M. Bevilacqua, J. M. Russell, J. B. Renard, H. Kanzawa, H. Nakajima, T. Yokota, T. Sugita, and Y. Sasano, Validation of NO2 and HNO3 measurements from the Improved Limb Atmospheric Spectrometer (ILAS) with the version 5.20 retrieval algorithm, Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(D24), 8206,
Tags: HNO3, NO2, Satellite, Validation

2002, Masserot, D., J. Lenoble, C. Brogniez, M. Houët, N. Krotkov, R. McPeters, Retrieval of ozone column from global irradiance measurements and comparison with TOMS data. A year of data in the Alps, Geophysical Research Letters, 29 (10),
Tags: Ozone, Satellite

2002, Michelsen, H.A., G. L. Manney, F. W. Irion, G. C. Toon, M. R. Gunson, C. P. Rinsland, R. Zander, E. Mahieu, M. J. Newchurch, P. N. Purcell, E. E. Remsberg, J. M. Russell III, H. C. Pumphrey, J. W. Waters, R. M. Bevilacqua, K. K. Kelly, E. J. Hintsa, E. M. Weinstock, E. -W. Chiou, W. P. Chu, M. P. McCormick and C. R. Webster, ATMOS Version 3 water vapor measurements: comparisons with observations from two ER-2 Lyman-? hygrometers, MkIV, HALOE, SAGE II, MAS and MLS, Journal of Geophysical Research, 107, NO. D3, ACH 2-1, 19
Tags: FTIR, H2O, Satellite, Validation

2002, Muscair, G., M. L. Santee, and R. L. de Zafra, Intercomparison of stratospheric HNO3 measurements over Antarctica: Ground-Based Millimeter-wave versus UARS /MLS Version 5 retrievals, Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(D24), 4809
Tags: HNO3, Microwave, Satellite, Validation

2002, Peters, W., M. Krol, F. Dentener, A.M. Thompson and J. Lelieveld, Chemistry-transport modelling of the satellite observed distribution of tropical ozone, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2, 103-120
Tags: Ozone, Satellite, Sonde

2002, Remsberg, E.E., L.E. Deaver, J.G. Wells, G. Lingenfelser, P.P. Bhatt, L.L. Gordley, R. Thompson, M. McHugh, J.M. Russell III, P. Keckhut, and F.J. Schmidlin, An Assessment of the Quality of HALOE Temperature Profiles in the Mesosphere with Rayleigh Backscatter Lidar and Inflatable Falling Sphere Measurements, Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(D19),
Tags: Lidar, Satellite, Temperature, Validation

2002, Sugita, T., T. Yokota, H. Nakajima, H. Kanzawa, H. Nakane, H. Gernandt, V. Yushkov, K. Shibasaki, T. Deshler, Y. Kondo, S. Godin, F. Goutail, J.-P. Pommereau, C. Camy-Peyret, S. Payan, P. Jeseck, J.-B. Renard, H. Bösch, R. Fitzenberger, K. Pfeilsticker, M. von König, H. Bremer, H. Küllmann, H. Schlager, J. J. Margitan, B. Stachnik, G. C. Toon, K. Jucks, W. A. Traub, D. G. Johnson, I. Murata, H. Fukunishi, and Y. Sasano, Validation of ozone measurements from the Improved Limb Atmospheric Spectrometer, Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(D24), 8212,
Tags: Ozone, Satellite, Validation

2002, van der A, R.J., Oss RF van, Piters AJM, Fortuin JPF, Meijer YJ, Kelder HM, Ozone profile retrieval from recalibrated Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME) data, Journal of Geophysical Research, 107,
Tags: Lidar, Ozone, Satellite, Sonde

2002, Van Roozendael, M., T. Wagner, A. Richter, I. Pundt, D. W. Arlander, J. P. Burrows, M. Chipperfield, C. Fayt, P. V. Johnston, J.-C. Lambert, K. Kreher, K. Pfeilsticker, U. Platt, J.-P. Pommereau, B.-M. Sinnhuber, K. K. Tørnkvist, and F. Wittrock, Intercomparison of BrO Measurements From ERS-2 GOME, Ground-based and Balloon Platforms, Advances in Space Research, 29, 1661-1666
Tags: BrO, Satellite, UVVis, Validation