
2001, Wickert, J., Ch. Reigber, G. Beyerle, R. König, C. Marquardt, T. Schmidt, L. Grunwaldt, R. Galas, T.K. Meehan, W.G. Melbourne, and K. Hocke, Atmosphere sounding by GPS radio occultation: First results from CHAMP, Geophysical Research Letters, 28, 3263-3266
Tags: Satellite

1991, Cunnold, D.M., J.M. Zawodny, W.P. Chu, J.P. Pommereau, F. Goutail, J. Lenoble, M.P. McCormick, R.E. Veiga, D. Murcray, N. Iwagami, K. Shibasaki, P.C. Simon, and W. Peetermans, Validation of SAGE II NO2 Measurements, Journal of Geophysical Research, 96, 12913-12925
Tags: NO2, Satellite, Validation

1991, Miller, A.J., Monitoring the stratosphere with satellites and the network for detection of stratospheric change, Global and Planetary Change, 4: 69-71,
Tags: Historical, Network, Satellite