
2009, Haefele, A., et al., Validation of ground based microwave radiometers at 22 GHz for stratospheric and mesospheric water vapor, Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, D23305,
Tags: H2O, Microwave

2009, Haefele, A., E. De Wachter, K. Hocke, N. Kaempfer, G. E. Nedoluha, R. M. Gomez, P. Eriksson, P. Forkman, A. Lambert, and M. Schwartz, Validation of ground based microwave radiometers at 22 GHz for stratospheric and mesospheric water vapor, Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, D23305,
Tags: H2O, Microwave, Validation

2009, Nedoluha, G.E., R. M. Gomez, B. C. Hicks, J. E. Wrotny, C. Boone, and A. Lambert, Water vapor measurements in the mesosphere from Mauna Loa over solar cycle 23, Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, D23,
Tags: H2O, Microwave, Solar Cycle

1994, Basher, R.E., Zheng, X.; Nichol, S, Ozone-related trends in solar UV-B series, Geophysical Research Letters, 21, 2713-2716
Tags: Ozone, Spectral UV, UVB

1994, Blumthaler, M., Webb A.R., Seckmeyer G., Bais A.F., Huber M., Mayer B., Simultaneous Spectroradiometry: A Study of Solar UV Irradiance at two Altitudes, Geophysical Research Letters, 21, 2805-2808
Tags: Spectral UV, UV Irradiance

1994, Bodeker, G.E., McKenzie, R.L., Erythemal UV at 45S: longitudinal and secular variability, Weather and Climate, 13, 17-21
Tags: Erythemal UV, Spectral UV

1994, Connor, B.J., D.E. Siskind, J.J. Tsou, A. Parrish, and E.E. Remsberg, Ground-based Microwave Observations of Ozone in the Upper Stratosphere and mesosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research, 99, 16757 – 16770
Tags: Microwave, Ozone

1994, Gerber, L., N. Kampfer, Millimeter-wave measurements of chlorine monoxide at the Jungfraujoch Alpine Stations, Geophysical Research Letters, 21, 1279-1282
Tags: ClO, Microwave

1994, Lees, R.M., R.R.J. Goulding, Saibei Zhao, W. Lewis-Bevan. J.W.C. Johns. D.P. Donovan, and C. Young, Assignments of Far-Infrared Laser Lines in the Co-stretching state of O-18 Methanol, International Journal of Infrared and Millimetre Waves, 15, pp. 1883–1906
Tags: CH4, FTIR, Microwave

1994, McKenzie, R.L., UV radiation monitoring in New Zealand, Stratospheric ozone depletion/UV-B radiation in the biosphere, , eds. Biggs, R.H.; Joyner, M.E.B., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 239-246
Tags: Spectral UV, UVB