
1998, Hannigan, J.W., M.T.Coffey, W.G.Mankin, A.Goldman, Column Observations of HNO3, N2O, HF, HCl, O3 at Søndre Strømfjord, Greenland During Winter 1994–'95, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 30, 103-118
Tags: FTIR, HCl, HF, HNO3, N2O, Ozone

1998, Harris, N., G. Ancellet, L. Bishop, D. Hofmann, J. Kerr, R. Mcpeters, M. Prendez, W. Randel, J. Staehelin, B. Subbaraya, A. Volz-Thomas, J. Zawodny and C. Zerefos, Trends in stratospheric and tropospheric ozone, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 102, 1571-1590
Tags: Lidar, Ozone

1998, Keys, J.G., S. W. Wood, N. B. Jones, and F. J. Murcray, Spectral Measurements of HCl in the plume of the Antarctic volcano Mount Erebus, Geophysical Research Letters, 25, 2421-2424
Tags: FTIR, HCl

1998, Knudsen, B.M., N. Larsen, I. S. Mikkelsen, J.-J. Morcrette, G. O. Braathen, E. Kyrö, H. Fast, H. Gernandt, H. Kanzawa, H. Nakane, V. Dorokhov, V. Yushkov, G. Hansen, M. Gil, and R. J. Shearman, Ozone depletion in and below the arctic vortex for 1997, Geophysical Research Letters, 25, 627-630
Tags: Ozone, Sonde

1998, Manney, G.L., J. C. Bird, D. P. Donovan, T. J. Duck, J. A. Whiteway, S. R. Pal, and A. I. Carswell, Modelling ozone laminae in ground-based Arctic wintertime observations using trajectory calculations and satellite data, Journal of Geophysical Research, 103, 5797-5814
Tags: Lidar, Ozone

1998, McDermid, I.S., J. B. Bergwerff, G. Bodeker, I. S. Boyd, E.J. Brinksma, B. J. Connor, R. Farmer, M. R. Gross, P. Kimvilakani, W. A. Matthews, T. J. McGee, F. T. Ormel, A. Parrish, U. Singh, D. P. J. Swart, J. J. Tsou, P. H. Wang, and J. Zawodny, OPAL: Network for the Detection of Stratospheric Change Ozone Profiler Assessment at Lauder, New Zealand. I. Blind Intercomparison, Journal of Geophysical Research, 103, 28,683-28,692
Tags: Lidar, Microwave, Ozone, Sonde, Validation

1998, McDermid, I.S., J. B. Bergwerff, G. Bodeker, I. S. Boyd, E. J. Brinksma, B. J. Connor, R. Farmer, M. R. Gross, P. Kimvilakani, W. A. Matthews, T. J. McGee, F. T. Ormel, A. Parrish, U. Singh, D. P. J. Swart, and J. J. Tsou, OPAL: Network for the Detection of Stratospheric Change Ozone Profiler Assessment at Lauder, New Zealand. II. Intercomparison of Revised Results, Journal of Geophysical Research, 103, 28,693-28,699
Tags: Lidar, Microwave, Ozone, Sonde, Validation

1998, Milton, M.J., G. Ancellet, A. Apituley, J. Bosenberg, W. Carnuth, F. Castagnoli, T. Trickl, H. Edner, L. Stefanutti, T. Schaberl, A. Sunesson and C. Weitkamp, Raman-shifted laser sources suitable for differential-absorption lidar measurements of ozone in the troposphere, Applied Physics B, Photophys. Laser Chem., 66, 105-113
Tags: Lidar, Ozone

1998, Oltmans, S.J., A.S. Lefohn, H.E. Scheel, J.M. Harris, H. Levy II, I.E. Galbally, E.G. Brunke, C.P. Meyer, J.A. Lathrop, B.J. Johnson, D.S. Shadwick, E. Cuevas, F.J. Schmidlin, D.W. Tarasick, H. Claude, J.B. Kerr, O. Uchino, V. Mohnen, Trends of Ozone in the Troposphere, Geophysical Research Letters, 25, 139-142
Tags: Ozone, Sonde, Trends

1998, Parrish, A., B. J. Connor, J. J. Tsou, G. Beyerle, I. S. McDermid and S. M. Hollandsworth, Microwave Ozone and Lidar Aerosol Profile Observations at Table Mountain, California, Following the Pinatubo Eruption, Journal of Geophysical Research, 103, 22,201-22,208
Tags: Aerosol, Lidar, Microwave, Ozone, Volcano