
2010, Batchelor, R.L., F. Kolonjari, R. Lindenmaier, R.L. Mittermeier, W. Daffer, H. Fast, G. Manney, K. Strong, and K.A. Walker, Four Fourier transform spectrometers and the Arctic polar vortex: Instrument intercomparison and ACEFTS validation at Eureka during the IPY springs of 2007 and 2008, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 3, 51-66
Tags: FTIR, Satellite, Validation

2010, de Laat, A.T.J., Gloudemans A. M. S.; Schrijver H., Mellqvist, J., et al, Validation of five years (2003-2007) of SCIAMACHY CO total column measurements using ground-based spectrometer observations, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 3(5), 1457-1471
Tags: CalVal, CO, FTIR, Satellite

2010, Duflot, V., Dils, B., Baray, J. L., De Mazière, M., Attié, J. L., Vanhaelewyn, G., Senten, C., Vigouroux, C., Clain, G., and Delmas, R., Analysis of the origin of the distribution of CO in the subtropical southern Indian Ocean in 2007, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, D22, D22106,
Tags: CO, FTIR

2010, Gruzdev, A., Elokhov A.S., Validation of Ozone Monitoring Instrument NO2 measurements using ground based NO2 measurements at Zvenigorod, Russia, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 31(2), 497-511
Tags: CalVal, NO2, Ozone, UVVis

2010, Lindenmaier, R., R.L. Batchelor, K. Strong, H. Fast, F. Goutail, F. Kolonjari, C.T. McElroy, R.L. Mittermeier, and K.A. Walker, An evaluation of ozone microwindows using the Eureka Bruker 125HR Fourier transform infrared spectrometer, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 111 (4), 569-585,
Tags: FTIR, Ozone, Validation

2010, Palm, M., Melsheimer, C.; Noël, S.; Heise, S.; Notholt, J.; Burrows, J. & Schrems, O., Integrated water vapor above Ny Ålesund, Spitsbergen: a multi-sensor intercomparison, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10, 1-12
Tags: FTIR, H2O, Microwave, Validation

2010, Petersen, A.K., Warneke, T.; Frankenberg, C.; Bergamaschi, P.; Gerbig, C.; Notholt, J.; Buchwitz, M.; Schneising, O. & Schrems, O., First ground-based FTIR observations of methane in the inner tropics over several years, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10(15), 7231-7239
Tags: CH4, FTIR

2010, Roscoe, H.K., M. Van Roozendael, C. Fayt, A. du Piesanie, N. Abuhassan, C. Adams, M. Akrami, A. Cede, J. Chong, K. ClÈmer, U. Friess, M. Gil Ojeda, F. Goutail, R. Graves, A. Griesfeller, K. Grossmann, G. Hemerijckx, F. Hendrick, J. Herman, C. Hermans, H. Irie, P. V. Johnston, Y. Kanaya, K. Kreher, R. Leigh, A. Merlaud, G. H. Mount, M. Navarro, H. Oetjen, A. Pazmino, M. Perez-Camacho, E. Peters, G. Pinardi, O. Puentedura, A. Richter, A. Schnhardt, R. Shaiganfar, E. Spinei, K. Strong, H. Takashima, T. Vlemmix, M. Vrekoussis, T. Wagner, F. Wittrock, M. Yela, S. Yilmaz, F. Boersma, J. Hains, M. Kroon, A. Piters, and Y. J. Kim, Intercomparison of slant column measurements of NO2 and O4 by MAX-DOAS and zenith-sky UV and visible spectrometers, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 3, 1629-1646
Tags: NO2, O4, UVVis, Validation

2010, Warneke, T., Petersen, A. K.; Gerbig, C.; Jordan, A.; Radenbeck, C.; Rothe, M.; Macatangay, R.; Notholt, J., Schrems, O., Co-located column and in situ measurements of CO2 in the tropics compared with model simulations, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10(12), 5593-5599
Tags: CO2, FTIR, Model, Validation

2010, Zander, R., Duchatelet, P., Mahieu, E., Demoulin, P., Roland, G., Servais, C., Auwera, J. V., Perrin, A., Rinsland, C. P. and Crutzen, P. J., Formic acid above the Jungfraujoch during 1985-2007: observed variability, seasonality, but no longterm background evolution, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10(20), 10047–10065,