
2002, Immler, F., O. Schrems, Lidar measurements of cirrus clouds in the northern and southern hemisphere during INCA (55°N, 53°S): A comparative study, Geophysical Research Letters, 29(16),
Tags: Clouds, Lidar

2001, Bassford, M.R., C.A. McLinden, and K. Strong, Zenith-Sky Observations of Stratospheric Gases: The Sensitivity of Air Mass Factors to Geophysical Parameters and the Influence of Tropospheric Clouds, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 68, 657-677
Tags: Clouds, UVVis, Validation

2001, Beyerle, G., M. R. Gross, D. A. Haner, N. T. Kjome, I. S. McDermid, T. J. McGee, M. J. Rosen, H.-J. Schäfer and O. Schrems, A lidar and backscatter sonde aerosol measurement campaign at Table Mountain during FebruaryMarch 1997: Observations of cirrus clouds, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 58, 1275-1287
Tags: Aerosol, Clouds, Lidar, Sonde

1999, Pfeilsticker, K., et al., Intercomparison of the influence of tropospheric clouds on UV-visible absorptions detected during the NDSC intercomparison campaign at OHP in June 1996, Geophysical Research Letters, 26 (8), 1169-1172
Tags: Clouds, UVVis, Validation

1998, McKenzie, R.L., K.J. Paulin, G.E. Bodeker, J.B. Liley, and A.P. Sturman, Cloud cover measured by satellite and from the ground: relationship to UV radiation at the surface, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 19, 2969-2985
Tags: Clouds, Satellite, Spectral UV, UV Irradiance

1997, Kylling, A., Albold A., Seckmeyer G., Transmittance of a cloud is wavelength-dependent in the UV-range: Physical Interpretation, Geophysical Research Letters, 24, 397-400
Tags: Clouds, Spectral UV, UV Irradiance

1996, Kumer, J., et al., Comparison of CLAES preliminary N2O5 data with correlative data and a mode, Journal of Geophysical Research, 101, 9657-9677
Tags: Model, N2O5, Satellite

1996, Smith, S., et al., N2O5 measurements from the ISAMS: validation and preliminary results, Journal of Geophysical Research, 101, 9897-9906
Tags: N2O5, Satellite, Validation

1995, Delguasta, M., Morandi, M, Stefanutti, L., , Parametrization of Cloud Lidar Backscattering Profiles by Means of Asymmetrical Gaussians, Applied Optics, 34, 3449-3456
Tags: Aerosol, Clouds, Lidar

1994, Sarkissian, A., Pommereau, J.P., Goutail, F., Kyro, E., PSC and Volcanic Aerosol Observations During EASOE by UV-Visible Ground-based Spectrometry, Geophysical Research Letters, 21(13): 1319-1322
Tags: Aerosol, Clouds, PSC, UVVis, Volcano