
1991, Rinsland, C.P., Zander R., and Demoulin, P., Ground-Based Infrared Measurements of HNO3 Total Column Abundances: Long-Term Trend and Variability, Journal of Geophysical Research, 96, 9379-9389
Tags: FTIR, HNO3

1991, Hauchecorne, A., M.L. Chanin, P. Keckhut, Climatology and trends of the middle atmospheric temperature (33-87 km) as seen by Rayleigh lidar above south of France, Journal of Geophysical Research, 96, 15297-15309
Tags: Lidar, Temperature, Trends

1991, Staehelin, J., Schmid W., Trend Analysis of the tropospheric ozone concentration utilizing the 20-years data set of the ozone balloon soundings over Payerne, Atmospheric Environment, 25A, 1739-1749
Tags: Ozone, Sonde, Trends

1989, Murcray, F.J., A. Goldman, R. Blatherwick, W. A. Matthews, and N. B. Jones, HNO3 and HCl amounts over McMurdo during the spring of 1987, Journal of Geophysical Research, 94, 16615-16619
Tags: FTIR, HCl, HNO3

1989, Rosen, J.M., S.J. Oltmans, W.F. Evans, Balloon borne observations of PSCs, frost point, ozone and nitric acid in the north polar vortex, Geophysical Research Letters, 16, 791-794
Tags: H2O, HNO3, Ozone, PSC, Sonde

1988, Barrett, J.W., P.M. Solomon, R.L. deZafra, M. Jaramillo, L. Emmons, and A. Parrish, Formation of the Antarctic ozone hole by the ClO dimer mechanism, Nature, 336, 455-458
Tags: ClO, Microwave, Ozone

1987, deZafra, R.L., M. Jaramillo, A. Parrish, P. Solomon, B.Connor, and J. Barrett, High concentrations of chlorine monoxide at low altitudes in the Antarctic spring stratosphere: diurnal variation, Nature, 328, 408-411
Tags: ClO, Diurnal, Microwave

1987, Solomon, P.M., B.Connor, R.L. deZafra, A. Parrish, J. Barrett, and M. Jaramillo, High concentrations of chlorine monoxide at low altitudes in the Antarctic spring stratosphere: secular variation, Nature, 328, 411-413
Tags: ClO, Microwave

1986, Gelman, M.E., A. J. Miller, K. W. Johnson, and R. M. Nagatani, Detection of long-term trends in global stratospheric temperature from NMC analyses derived from NOAA satellite data, Advances in Space Research, 6, 17-26
Tags: Satellite, Temperature, Trends