
1997, deZafra, R.L., V. Chan, S. Crewell, C. Trimble, and J.M. Reeves, Millimeter Wave Spectroscopic Measurements Over the South Pole, 3: The Behavior of Stratospheric Nitric Acid Through the Polar Fall, Winter, and Spring, Journal of Geophysical Research, 102, 1399-1410
Tags: HNO3, Microwave

1997, Blumenstock, T., H. Fischer, A. Friedle, F. Hase, and P. Thomas, Column amounts of ClONO2, HCl, HNO3, and HF from ground-based FTIR measurements made near Kiruna, Sweden, in late winter 1994, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 26, 311-321
Tags: ClONO2, FTIR, HCl, HF, HNO3

1997, Paton Walsh, C., W. Bell, T. Gardiner, N. Swann, P. Woods, J. Notholt, H. Schütt, B. Galle, W. Arlander, J. Mellqvist, An uncertainty budget for ground-based Fourier transform infrared column measurements of HCl, HF, N2O, and HNO3 deduced from results of side-by-side instrument intercomparisons, Journal of Geophysical Research, 102, 8867-8873
Tags: FTIR, HCl, HF, HNO3, N2O

1996, Klein, U., S. Crewell, and R. L. de Zafra, Correlated Millimeter-wave Measurements of ClO, N2O, and HNO3 from McMurdo, Antarctica, during Polar Spring, 1994, Journal of Geophysical Research, 101, 20925-20932
Tags: ClO, HNO3, Microwave, N2O

1996, Kumer, J., et al., Comparison of correlative data HNO3 version 7 from the CLAES instrument deployed on the NASA UARS, Geophysical Research Letters, 101, 9621-9656
Tags: HNO3, Satellite, Validation

1995, Koehler, U., Homogenization and re-evaluation of the long-term ozone series at the Meteorological Observatory Hohenpeissenberg: Final report on the DWD-Project K/U 31, , Abteilung Forschung Arbeitsergebnisse Nr. 31
Tags: Dobson, Ozone, Timeseries

1995, Vanallen, R., Liu, X., Murcray, F.J, Seasonal Variation of Atmospheric Nitric Acid over the South Pole in 1992, Geophysical Research Letters, 22(1): 49-52
Tags: FTIR, HNO3, Polar

1995, Peil, S., Seisel, S., Schrems, O., FTIR-Spectroscopic Studies of Polar Stratospheric Cloud Model Surfaces - Characterization of Nitric Acid Hydrates and Heterogeneous Reactions involving N2O5 and HBR, Journal of Molecular Structure, 348: 449-452
Tags: FTIR, HNO3, Model, PSC

1994, Murcray, F.J., Starkey, J.R.; Williams, W.J.; Matthews, W.A.; Schmidt, U.; Aimedieu, P.; Camy-Peyret, C., HNO3 profiles obtained during the EASOE campaign, Geophysical Research Letters, 21, 1223-1226
Tags: FTIR, HNO3

1994, Jones, N.B., M. Koike, W. A. Matthews, and B. M. McNamara, Southern Hemisphere Seasonal Cycle in total column Nitric Acid, Geophysical Research Letters, 21, 593-596
Tags: FTIR, HNO3