
1998, Leblanc, T., I.S. McDermid, P. Keckhut, A. Hauchecorne, C.Y. She and D.A. Krueger, Temperature climatology of the middle atmosphere from long-term lidar measurements at middle and low latitudes, Journal of Geophysical Research, 103, 17191-17204
Tags: Climatology, Lidar, Temperature

1997, Hoisker, B.A.K., A. Dahlbak, G. Vaughan, G.O. Braathen, F. Goutail, J.P. Pommereau and R. Kivi, Interpretation of ozone measurements by ground-based visible spectroscopy - A study of seasonal dependence of airmass factors for ozone on climatology data, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 57, 569-579
Tags: Climatology, Ozone, UVVis

1997, Notholt, J., H. Schütt, A. Keens, Solar absorption measurements of stratospheric OH in the UV with a Fourier-transform spectrometer, Applied Optics, 78, 833-841
Tags: FTIR, OH

1996, Keckhut, P., M.E. Gelman, J.D. Wild, F. Tissot, A.J. Miller, A. Hauchecorne, M.L. Chanin, E.F. Fishbein, J. Gille, J.M. Russell III and F.W. Taylor, Semidiurnal and diurnal temperature tides (30-55 km): climatology and effect on UARS-LIDAR data comparisons, Journal of Geophysical Research, 101, 10299-10310
Tags: Climatology, Diurnal, Lidar, Satellite, Temperature, Validation

1996, Van Haver, P., D. De Muer, M. Beekmann and C. Mancier, Climatology of tropopause folds at midlatitudes, Geophysical Research Letters, 23, 1033-1036
Tags: Climatology, Lidar

1993, McDermid, I.S., A 4-Year Climatology of Stratospheric Ozone from Lidar Measurements at Table Mountain (34.4M-0 N), Journal of Geophysical Research, 98, 10509-10515
Tags: Climatology, Lidar, Ozone

1991, Wilson, R., Chanin, M.L., Hauchecorne, A., Gravity-waves in the Middle Atmosphere Observed by Rayleigh Lidar 2. Climatology, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 96(ND3): 5169-5183
Tags: Climatology, Lidar, Temperature