
2022, Noël, S., M. Reuter, M. Buchwitz, J. Borchardt, M. Hilker, O. Schneising, H. Bovensmann, J.P. Burrows, A. Di Noia, R.J. Parker, H. Suto, Y. Yoshida, M. Buschmann, N.M. Deutscher, D.G. Feist, D.W.T. Griffith, F. Hase, R. Kivi, C. Liu, I. Morino, J. Notholt, Y.-S. Oh, H. Ohyama, C. Petri, D.F. Pollard, M. Rettinger, C. Roehl, C. Rousogenous, M.K. Sha, K. Shiomi, K. Strong, R. Sussmann, Y. Té, V.A. Velazco, M. Vrekoussis, and T. Warneke, Retrieval of greenhouse gases from GOSAT and GOSAT-2 using the FOCAL algorithm, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 15, 3401-3437,
Tags: Algorithm, FTIR, Satellite

2022, Taylor, T.E., C.W. O'Dell, D. Crisp, A. Kuze, H. Lindqvist, P.O. Wennberg, A. Chatterjee, M. Gunson, A. Eldering, B. Fisher, M. Kiel, R.R. Nelson, A. Merrelli, G. Osterman, F. Chevallier, P.I. Palmer, L. Feng, N.M. Deutscher, M.K. Dubey, D.G. Feist, O.E. Garcia, D. Grifith, F. Hase, L. Iraci, R. Kivi, C. Liu, M. De Mazière, I. Morino, J. Notholt, Y.-S. Oh, H. Ohyama, D.F. Pollard, M. Rettinger, C.M. Roehl, M. Schneider, M.K. Sha, K. Shiomi, K. Strong, R.Sussmann, Y. Té, V.A. Velazco, M. Vrekoussis, T. Warneke, and D. Wunch, An 11-year record of XCO2 estimates derived from GOSAT measurements using the NASA ACOS version 9 retrieval algorithm, Earth System Science Data, 14, 325-360,
Tags: Algorithm, FTIR, Satellite, XCO2

2022, Schneider, M., Ertl, B., Diekmann, C. J., Khosrawi, F., Weber, A., Hase, F., Höpfner, M., García, O. E., Sepúlveda, E., and Kinnison, D., Design and description of the MUSICA IASI full retrieval product, Earth System Science Data, 14, 709–742,
Tags: FTIR, Satellite

2022, Karagkiozidis, D., Friedrich, M. M., Beirle, S., Bais, A., Hendrick, F., Voudouri, K. A., Fountoulakis, I., Karanikolas, A., Tzoumaka, P., Van Roozendael, M., Balis, D., and Wagner, T., Retrieval of tropospheric aerosol, NO2, and HCHO vertical profiles from MAX-DOAS observations over Thessaloniki, Greece: intercomparison and validation of two inversion algorithms, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 15, 1269–1301,
Tags: Aerosol, Algorithm, CalVal, HCHO, NO2, UVVis

2022, Kille, N., K. J. Zarzana, J. Romero Alvarez, C. F. Lee, J. P. Rowe, B. Howard, T. Campos, A. Hills, R. S. Hornbrook, I. Ortega, W. Permar, I. T. Ku, J. Lindaas, I. B. Pollack, A. P. Sullivan, Y. Zhou, C. D. Fredrickson, B. B. Palm, Q. Peng, E. C. Apel, L. Hu, J. L. Collett, E. V. Fischer, F. Flocke, J. W. Hannigan, J. Thornton, and R. Volkamer, The CU Airborne Solar Occultation Flux Instrument: Performance Evaluation during BB-FLUX, ACR - Earth and Space Chemistry, 6(3), 582–596,
Tags: FTIR

2022, Zeng, X., Wang, W., Liu, C., Shan, C., Xie, Y., Wu, P., Zhu, Q., Zhou, M., De Mazière, M., Mahieu, E., Pardo Cantos, I., Makkor, J., and Polyakov, A., Retrieval of atmospheric CFC-11 and CFC-12 from high-resolution FTIR observations at Hefei and comparisons with other independent datasets, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 15, 6739–6754,
Tags: CFC, FTIR, Validation

2022, Shams, S.B., V. P. Walden, J. W. Hannigan, and D. D. Turner, Retrievals of Ozone in the Troposphere an Lower Stratosphere Using FTIR Observations over Greenland, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,
Tags: FTIR, Ozone

2022, Shan, C., Wang, W., Xie, Y., Wu, P., Xu, J., Zeng, X., Zha, L., Zhu, Q., Sun, Y., Hu, Q., Liu, C., and Jones, N., Observations of atmospheric CO2 and CO based on in-situ and ground-based remote sensing measurements at Hefei site, Science of the Total Environment, 851, 158188,
Tags: CO, CO2, FTIR

2022, Pardo Cantos, I., E. Mahieu, M. P. Chipperfield, D. Smale, J. W. Hannigan, M. Friedrich, P. Fraser, P.Krummel, M. Prignon, J. Makkor, C. Servaisj and J. Robinson, Determination and analysis of time series of CFC-11 (CCl3F) from FTIR solar spectra, in situ observations, and model data in the past 20 years above Jungfraujoch (46°N), Lauder (45°S), and Cape Grim (40°S) stations, Environmental Sciences, 2, 1487-1501,
Tags: CFC, FTIR, Model

2022, Herrera, B., A. Bezanilla, T. Blumenstock, E. Dammers, F. Hase, L. Clarisse, A. Magaldi, C. Rivera, W. Stremme, K. Strong, C. Viatte, M. Van Damme, and M. Grutter, Measurement report: Evolution and distribution of NH3 over Mexico City from ground-based and satellite infrared spectroscopic measurements, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22, 14119–14132, 2022
Tags: FTIR, NH3, Satellite