
1991, Uchino, O., Tabata, I., Mobile Lidar for Simultaneous Measurements of Ozone, Aerosols, and Temperature in the Stratosphere, Applied Optics, 30, 2005-2012
Tags: Aerosol, Lidar, Ozone, Temperature

1990, McKenzie, R.L., J. M. Elwood, Intensity of solar ultraviolet radiation and its implications for skin cancer, NZ Medical Journal, 103, 152-154
Tags: Erythemal UV, Spectral UV

1990, Deshler, T., D. J. Hofmann, J. V. Hereford, and C. B. Sutter, Ozone and temperature profiles over McMurdo Station, Antarctica, in the spring of 1989, Geophysical Research Letters, 17, 151-154
Tags: Ozone, Sonde, Temperature

1990, Keckhut, P., Chanin, M.L., Hauchecorne, A., Stratosphere Temperature Measurement using Raman Lidar, Applied Optics, 29(34): 5182-5286
Tags: Lidar, Temperature

1990, Wilson, R., Hauchecorne, A., Chanin, M.L., Gravity-waves in the Middle Atmosphere Observed by Rayleigh Lidar, Geophysical Research Letters, 17(10): 1585-1588
Tags: Lidar, Temperature

1990, Maillard, A., Hauchecorne, A., Rose, K., Planetary-waves Modulated by the Quasi-biennial Oscillation (QBO), Annals of Geophysics, 8(7-8): 531-540
Tags: Lidar, QBO, Temperature

1986, Gelman, M.E., A. J. Miller, K. W. Johnson, and R. M. Nagatani, Detection of long-term trends in global stratospheric temperature from NMC analyses derived from NOAA satellite data, Advances in Space Research, 6, 17-26
Tags: Satellite, Temperature, Trends

1980, Hauchecorne, A., M.L. Chanin, Density and Temperature Profiles Obtained by Lidar Between 35 and 70 km, Geophysical Research Letters, 7, 565-568
Tags: Lidar, Temperature

1979, McPherson, R.D., K. H. Bergman, R. E. Kistler, G. E. Rasch, and D. S. Gordon, The NMC operational global data assimilation system, Monthly Weather Review, 107, 1445-61
Tags: Historical, Satellite, Temperature

1976, Rodgers, C.D., Retrieval of atmospheric temperature and composition from remote sounding measurements, Reviews of Geophysics, 14, 609-624
Tags: Historical, Microwave, Ozone, Temperature