
2020, Bernet, L., Brockmann, E., von Clarmann, T., Kämpfer, N., Mahieu, E., Mätzler, C., Stober, G. and Hocke, K., Trends of atmospheric water vapour in Switzerland from ground-based radiometry, FTIR and GNSS data, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20(19), 11223–11244,
Tags: FTIR, H2O, Trends

2020, Gierens, K., L. Wilhelm, M. Sommer, and D. Weaver, On ice supersaturation over the Arctic, Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 29(2), 165–176,
Tags: Sonde, H2O

2020, Gamage, S.M., Sica, R. J., Martucci, G., & Haefele, A. , A 1D Var Retrieval of Relative Humidity Using the ERA5 Dataset for the Assimilation of Raman Lidar Measurements, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 37(11), 2051–2064,
Tags: Lidar, H2O

2020, Madonna, F., R. Kivi, J.-C. Dupont, B. Ingleby, M. Fujiwara, G. Romanens, M. Hernandez, X. Calbet, M. Rosoldi, A. Giunta, T. Karppinen, M. Iwabuchi, S. Hoshino, C. von Rohden, and P. W. Thorne, Use of automatic radiosonde launchers to measure temperature and humidity profiles from the GRUAN perspective, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 13(7), 3621–3649,
Tags: Sonde, H2O, Temperature

2020, Philipona, R., A. Kräuchi, R. Kivi, T. Peter, M. Wild, R. Dirksen, M. Fujiwara, M. Sekiguchi, D.F. Hurst, and R. Becker, Balloon-borne radiation measurements demonstrate radiative forcing by water vapor and clouds, Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 29(6), 501–509,
Tags: Sonde, H2O

2020, Di Girolamo, P., B. De Rosa, C. Flamant, D. Summa, O. Bousquet, P. Chazette, J. Totems, M. Cacciani, Water vapour mixing ratio and temperature inter-comparison results in framework of the Hydrological Cycle in the Mediterranean Experiment—Special Observation Period 1, Bulletin of Atmospheric Science and Technology, 1, 113–153,
Tags: H2O, Lidar, Temperature

2018, Borger, C., Schneider, M., Ertl, B., Hase, F., García, O. E., Sommer, M., Höpfner, M., Tjemkes, S. A., and Calbet, X., Evaluation of MUSICA IASI tropospheric water vapour profiles using theoretical error assessments and comparisons to GRUAN Vaisala RS92 measurements, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 11, 4981-5006,
Tags: FTIR, H2O

2018, Brunamonti, S., T. Jorge, P. Oelsner, S. Hanumanthu, B. B. Singh, K. R. Kumar, S. Sonbawne, S. Meier, D. Singh, F. G. Wienhold, B. P. Luo, M. Bö̈ttcher, Y. Poltera, H. Jauhiainen, R. Kayastha, R. Dirksen, M. Naja, M. Rex, S. Fadnavis, and T. Peter, Balloon-borne measurements of temperature, water vapor, ozone and aerosol backscatter at the southern slopes of the Himalayas during StratoClim 2016-2017, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18(21), 15,937–15,957,
Tags: Aerosol, H2O, Ozone, Sonde, Temperature

2018, Lainer, M., Klemens Hocke, Niklaus Kämpfer, Long-term observation of mid-latitude quasi 2-day waves by a water vapor radiometer, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18,
Tags: H2O, Microwave

2018, Mevi, G., Giovanni Muscari, Pietro Paolo Bertagnolio, Irene Fiorucci, and Giandomenico Pace, VESPA-22: a ground-based microwave spectrometer for long-term measurements of polar stratospheric water vapor, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 11, 1099–1117,
Tags: H2O, Microwave