
2020, Nalli, N.R., Tan, C., Warner, J., Divakarla, M., Gambacorta, A., Wilson, M., Zhu, T., Wang, T., Wei, Z., Pryor, K., Kalluri, S., Zhou, L., Sweeney, C., Baier, B.C., McKain, K., Wunch, D., Deutscher, N.M., Hase, F., Iraci, L.T., Kivi, R., Morino, I., Notholt, J., Ohyama, H., Pollard, D.F., Té, Y., Velazco, V.A., Warneke, T., Sussmann, R., Rettinger, M, Validation of Carbon Trace Gas Profile Retrievals from the NOAA-Unique Combined Atmospheric Processing System for the Cross-Track Infrared Sounder, Remote Sensing, 12(19), 3245,
Tags: FTIR, Carbon

2019, Tzompa-Sosa, Z.A., Henderson, B. H., Keller, C. A., Travis, K., Mahieu, E., Franco, B., Estes, M., Helmig, D., Fried, A., Richter, D., Weibring, P., Walega, J., Blake, D. R., Hannigan, J. W., Ortega, I., Conway, S., Strong, K., and Fischer, E. V, Atmospheric Implications of Large C2- C5 Alkane Emissions From the U.S. Oil and Gas Industry, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124(2):1148–1169
Tags: Carbon, FTIR

2019, Frey, M., Sha, M. K., Hase, F., Kiel, M., Blumenstock, T., Harig, R., Surawicz, G., Deutscher, N. M., Shiomi, K., Franklin, J. E., Bösch, H., Chen, J., Grutter, M., Ohyama, H., Sun, Y., Butz, A., Mengistu Tsidu, G., Ene, D., Wunch, D., Cao, Z., Garcia, O., Ramonet, M., Vogel, F., and Orphal, J., Building the COllaborative Carbon Column Observing Network (COCCON): long-term stability and ensemble performance of the EM27/SUN Fourier transform spectrometer, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 12, 1513-1530,
Tags: Carbon, FTIR

2018, Schaefer, H., Smale, D., Nichol, S. E., Bromley, T. M., Brailsford, G. W., Martin, R. J., Moss, R., Englund Michel, S., and White, J. W. C., Limited impact of El Niño–Southern Oscillation on variability and growth rate of atmospheric methane, Biogeosciences, 15, 6371-6386,

2016, Moshammer, H., Simic, S.; Haluza, D., UV 'Indices'-What Do They Indicate?, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13(10)
Tags: Erythemal UV, Spectral UV, UV Index

2014, Parrondo, M.C., Gil, M., Yela, M., Johnson, B. J., and Ochoa, H. A., Antarctic ozone variability inside the polar vortex estimated from balloon measurements, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14, 217-229,
Tags: Ozone, Polar, Sonde

2013, Haluza, D., Moshammer, H., Simic, S., Höltge, J., and Cervinka, R., Connectedness to nature and public (skin) health perspectives: results of a representative, population-based survey among Austrian residents, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 11(1): 1176–1191,
Tags: Erythemal UV, Spectral UV

2007, Salmon, P., Chan, W.; Griffin, J.; McKenzie, R.; Rademaker, M, Extremely High levels of Melanoma and Melanoma-in-situ in Tauranga, New Zealand: Possible Causes and Comparisons with Australia and the Northern Hemisphere, Australasian Journal of Dermatology, 48(4): 208-216
Tags: Erythemal UV, Melanoma, Spectral UV

2007, McKenzie, R.L., P.J. Aucamp, A.F. Bais, L.O. Björn, and M. Ilyas, Changes in biologically-active ultraviolet radiation reaching the Earth’s surface (Chapter 1 of the UNEP Effects Panel Assessment: 2006), Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 6 (UNEP Special Issue), 218-231,
Tags: Erythemal UV, Spectral UV

2007, Tanskanen, A., A. Lindfors, A. Määttä, N. Krotkov, J. Herman, J. Kaurola, T. Koskela, K. Lakkala, V. Fioletov, G. Bernhard, R. McKenzie, Y. Kondo, M. O'Neill, H. Slaper, P. den Outer, A. F. Bais, and J. Tamminen, Validation of daily erythemal doses from Ozone Monitoring Instrument with ground-based UV measurement data, Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, D24S44,
Tags: Erythemal UV, Satellite, Spectral UV, Validation