
2006, McKenzie, R.L., G.E. Bodeker, G. Scott, and J. Slusser, Geographical differences in erythemally-weighted UV measured at mid-latitude USDA sites, Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 5 (3), 343 – 352
Tags: Spectral UV, Vitamin D

2006, McKenzie, R., Implications of the large geographical and temporal variability in UV radiation, UV Radiation and its Effects: an update, in UV Radiation and its Effects: an update
Tags: Erythemal UV, Spectral UV, Vitamin D

2005, Rinsland, C.P., A. Goldman, E. Mahieu, R. Zander, L.S. Chiou, J.W. Hannigan, S.W. Wood, and J.W. Elkins, Long-term evolution in the tropospheric concentration of chlorofluorocarbon 12 (CCl2F2) derived from high-spectral resolution infrared solar absorption spectra: retrieval and comparison with in situ surface measurements, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 92, 201-209

1994, Notholt, J., FTIR measurements of HF, N2O, and CFCs during the Arctic polar night with the moon as light source, subsidence during winter 1992/93, Geophysical Research Letters, 22, 2385-2388
Tags: CFC, FTIR, HF, N2O