
2006, Rinsland, C.P., E. Mahieu, R. Zander , R. Nassar, P. Bernath, C. Boone, and L.S. Chiou, Long-Term Stratospheric Carbon Tetrafluoride (CF4) Increase Inferred from 1985-2004 Infrared Spacebased Solar Occultation Measurements, Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L02808,
Tags: CF4, FTIR, Satellite

2005, Rinsland, C.P., L. S. Chiou, A. Goldman, and S.W. Wood, Long-Term Trend in CHF2Cl (HCFC-22) from High Spectral Resolution infrared solar absorption measurements and Comparison with In Situ Measurements, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 90, 367-375
Tags: FTIR, HCFC-22, Trends

2005, Rinsland, C.P., C. Boone, R. Nassar, K. Walker, P. Bernath, E. Mahieu, R. Zander, J.C. McConnell, and L. Chiou, Trends of HF, HCl, CCl2F2, CCl3F, CHClF2 (HCFC-22), and SF6 in the lower stratosphere from Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE) and Atmospheric Trace MOlecule Spectroscopy (ATMOS) measurements near 30ºN latitude, Geophysical Research Letters, 32, L16S03,
Tags: FTIR, HCFC-22, HCl, HF, Satellite, SF6, Trends

1997, Sherlock, V.J., N.B. Jones, W.A. Matthews, F.J. Murcray, R.D. Blatherwick, D.G. Murcray, A. Goldman, C.P. Rinsland, C. Bernardo, and D.W.T. Griffith, Increase in the vertical column abundance of HCFC-22 (CHClF2) above Lauder, New Zealand, between 1985 and 1994, Journal of Geophysical Research, 102, 8861-8865
Tags: FTIR, HCFC-22

1994, Zander, R., Mahieu E., Demoulin Ph., Rinsland C.P., Weisenstein D. K., Ko M.K.W., Sze N.D., and Gunson M.R., Secular Evolution of the Vertical Column Abundances of CHClF2 (HCFC-22) in the Earth's Atmosphere Inferred from Ground-Based IR Solar Observations at the Jungfraujoch and at Kitt Peak, and Comparison with Model Calculations, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 18, 129-148
Tags: FTIR, HCFC-22, Model