
1995, Uchino, O., T. Nagai, T. Fujimoto, W.A. Matthews and J. Orange, Extensive lidar observations of the Pinatubo aerosol layers at Tsukuba (36.1N), Naha (26.2N), Japan and Lauder (45.0S), New Zealand, Geophysical Research Letters, 22, 57-60
Tags: Aerosol, Lidar, Volcano

1995, Wild, J.D., M. E. Gelman, A. J. Miller, M. L. Chanin, A. Hauchecorne, P. Keckhut, R. Farley, P. D. Dao, J. W. Meriwether, G. P. Gobbi, F. Congeduti, A. Adriani, I. S. McDermid, T. J. McGee and E. F. Fishbein, Comparison of stratospheric temperatures from several lidars, using National Meteorological Center and microwave limb sounder data as transfer references, Journal of Geophysical Research, 100, 11,105-11,111
Tags: Lidar, Satellite, Temperature, Validation

1995, Whiteway, J.A., Carswell, A.I., Lidar Observations of Gravity-wave Activity in the Upper Stratosphere over Toronto, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 100(D&): 14113-14124
Tags: Lidar, Temperature

1995, She, C.Y., Yu, J.R., Kreuger, D.A., Roble, R., Keckhut, P., et al., Vertical Structure of the MidLatitude Temperature from Stratosphere to Mesopause (30km - 105 km), Geophysical Research Letters, 22(4), 377-380
Tags: Lidar, Temperature

1995, Keckhut, P., Midlatitude Summer Response of the Middle Atmosphere to Short-term Solar UV Changes, Annals of Geophysics, 13(6), 641-647
Tags: Lidar, Solar Cycle, Temperature

1995, McGee, T.J., Ferrare, R.A., Whiteman, D.N., Butler, JJ., Burris, J.F., et al., Lidar Measurements of Stratospheric Ozone during the STOIC Campaign, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 100(D5): 9255 - 9262
Tags: Lidar, Ozone, Validation

1995, Delguasta, M., Morandi, M, Stefanutti, L., , Parametrization of Cloud Lidar Backscattering Profiles by Means of Asymmetrical Gaussians, Applied Optics, 34, 3449-3456
Tags: Aerosol, Clouds, Lidar

1992, Adriani, A., T. Deshler, G.P. Gobbi, B.J. Johnson, G. Di Donfrancesco, Polar stratospheric clouds over McMurdo, Antarctica, during the 1991 spring: Lidar and particle counter measurements, Geophysical Research Letters, 19, 1755-1758
Tags: Aerosol, Lidar, PSC

1992, Brogniez, C., R. Santer, B.S. Diallo, M. Herman, J. Lenoble, and H. Jaeger, Comparative observations of stratospheric aerosols by ground-based lidar, balloon-borne polarimeter, and satellite solar occultation, Journal of Geophysical Research, 97, 20, 805-20,823
Tags: Aerosol, Lidar, Satellite, Sonde, Validation

1992, Deshler, T., A. Adriani, G.P. Gobbi, D. J. Hofmann, G. Di Donfrancesco, B. J. Johnson, Volcanic aerosol and ozone depletion within the Antarctic polar vortex during the austral spring of 1991, Geophysical Research Letters, 19, 1819-1822
Tags: Aerosol, Lidar, Ozone