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Tags: C2H2, CH2O, FTIR

2000, Goldman, A., M.T. Coffey, T.M. Stephen, C.P. Rinskind, W.G. Mankin, J.W. Hannigan, Isotopic OCS from high-resolution balloon-borne ground-based infrared solar absorption spectra, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 67, 447-455

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Tags: CFC, FTIR, HF, N2O

1991, Zander, R., C. P. Rinsland, D. H. Ehhalt, J. Rudolph, and Ph. Demoulin, Vertical column abundances and seasonal cycle of acetylene, C2H2, above the Jungfraujoch station, derived from IR solar observations, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 13, 359-372
Tags: C2H2, FTIR