
2019, Denton, M.H., Kivi R, Ulich T, Rodger C.J, Clilverd M.A, Denton J.S, Lester M, Observed response of stratospheric and mesospheric composition to sudden stratospheric warmings, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 191,
Tags: Sonde, SSW

2019, Lieschke, K.J., J. A. Fisher, C. Paton-Walsh, N. B. Jones, J. W. Greenslade, S. Burden, and D. W. T. Griffith, Decreasing Trend in Formaldehyde Detected From 20-Year Record at Wollongong, Southeast Australia, Geophysical Research Letters, 46(14), 8464-8473,
Tags: CH2O, FTIR, Trends

2018, Toon, G.C., Blavier, J.-F., Sung, K., Measurements of atmospheric ethene by solar absorption FTIR spectrometry, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18, 5075-5088,
Tags: C2H4, FTIR

2018, Vigouroux, C., et al., NDACC harmonized formaldehyde time-series from 21 FTIR stations covering a wide range of column abundances, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 11, 5049-5073,
Tags: CH2O, FTIR

2016, Franco, B., Mahieu, E., Emmons, L. K., Tzompa-Sosa, Z. A., Fischer, E. V, Sudo, K., Bovy, B., Conway, S., Griffin, D., Hannigan, J. W., Strong, K. and Walker, K. A, Evaluating ethane and methane emissions associated with the development of oil and natural gas extraction in North America, Environmental Research Letters, 11(4), 44010,
Tags: C2H4, CH4, FTIR

2015, Tschanz, B., Kämpfer, N., Signatures of the 2-day wave and sudden stratospheric warmings in Arctic water vapour observed by ground-based microwave radiometry, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15, 5099–5108,
Tags: H2O, Microwave, SSW

2015, Duflot, V., Wespes, C., Clarisse, L., Hurtmans, D., Ngadi, Y., Jones, N., Paton-Walsh, C., Hadji-Lazaro, J., Vigouroux, C., De Mazière, M., Metzger, J.-M., Mahieu, E., Servais, C., Hase, F., Schneider, M., Clerbaux, C., and Coheur, P.-F., Acetylene (C2H2) and hydrogen cyanide (HCN) from IASI satellite observations: global distributions, validation, and comparison with model, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15(18), 10509-10527,
Tags: C2H2, FTIR, HCN, Satellite, Validation

2014, Viatte, C., K. Strong, K.A. Walker, and J.R. Drummond, Five years of CO, HCN, C2H6, C2H2, CH3OH, HCOOH, and H2CO total columns measured in the Canadian High Arctic, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 7, 1547-1570

2013, Duflot, V., Hurtmans, D., Clarisse, L., R'honi, Y., Vigouroux, C., De Mazière, M., Mahieu, E., Servais, C., Clerbaux, C., and Coheur, P.-F., Measurements of hydrogen cyanide (HCN) and acetylene (C2H2) from the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI), Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 6, 917-925,
Tags: C2H2, FTIR, HCN, Satellite

2012, Scheiben, D., Straub, C., Hocke, K., Forkman, P., and Kämpfer, N., Middle atmospheric water vapor and ozone anomalies during the 2010 major sudden stratospheric warming, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12, 7753–7765
Tags: H2O, Microwave, Ozone, SSW