
2017, Stübi, R., Herbert Schill, Jörg Klausen, Laurent Vuilleumier, Julian Gröbner, Luca Egli, Dominique Ruffieux, On the compatibility of Brewer total column ozone measurements in two adjacent valleys (Arosa and Davos) in the Swiss Alps, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 10, 4479–4490,
Tags: Brewer, Ozone

2017, Taquet, N., Meza-Hernandez I., Stremme W., Bezanilla A., Grutter M., Campion R., Palm M., Boulesteix T., Continuous measurements of SiF4 and SO2 by thermal emission spectroscopy: Insight from a 6-month survey at the Popocatepetl volcano, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 341 (2017) 255-26,
Tags: FTIR, SiF4, SO2

2017, Stübi, R., Schill, H., Klausen, J., Vuilleumier, L., and Ruffieux, D., Reproducibility of total ozone column monitoring by the Arosa Brewer spectrophotometer triad, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 122,4735–4745,
Tags: Brewer, Ozone

2016, Zhao, X., Vitali Fioletov, Alexander Cede, Jonathan Davies, and Kimberly Strong, Accuracy, precision, and temperature dependence of Pandora total ozone measurements estimated from a comparison with the Brewer triad in Toronto, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 9, 5747–5761,
Tags: Brewer, Ozone, Temperature, Validation

2016, Karppinen, T., Lakkala, K., Karhu, J. M., Heikkinen, P., Kivi, R., and Kyrö, E., Brewer spectrometer total ozone column measurements in Sodankylä, Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems, 5, 229-239,
Tags: Brewer, Ozone

2015, DeSmedt, I., Stavrakou, T., Hendrick, F., Danckaert, T., Vlemmix, T., Pinardi, G., Theys, N., Lerot, C., Gielen, C., Vigouroux, C., Hermans, C., Fayt, C., Veefkind, P., Müller, J.-F., and Van Roozendael, M., Diurnal, seasonal and long-term variations of global formaldehyde columns inferred from combined OMI and GOME-2 observations, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15, 12519-12545,
Tags: Diurnal, FTIR, H2CO, Satellite, Seasonal

2010, Kerr, J.B., The Brewer Spectrophotometer, UV Radiation in Global Climate Change, Gao, W., Slusser, J.R., Schmoldt, D.L. (eds). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 160–191
Tags: Brewer

2008, Wenig, M.O., A. M. Cede, E. J. Bucsela, E. A. Celarier, K. F. Boersma, J. P. Veefkind, E. J. Brinksma, J. F. Gleason, J. R. Herman, Validation of OMI tropospheric NO2 column densities using direct-Sun mode Brewer measurements at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, D16S45,
Tags: Brewer, NO2, Satellite, Validation

2008, Grutter, M., R. Basaldud, C. Rivera, R. Harig, W. Junkerman, E. Caetano and H. Delgado-Granados, SO2 emissions from Popocatepetl volcano: emission rates and plume imaging using optical remote sensing techniques, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 8, 6655-6663
Tags: FTIR, SO2

2007, Balis, D., M. Kroon, M. E. Koukouli, E. J. Brinksma, G. Labow, J. P. Veefkind, R. D. McPeters, Validation of Ozone Monitoring Instrument total ozone column measurements using Brewer and Dobson spectrophotometer ground-based observations, Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, D24S46,
Tags: Brewer, Dobson, Ozone, Satellite, Validation