
2018, Zhou, M., Langerock, B., Vigouroux, C., Sha, M. K., Ramonet, M., Delmotte, M., Mahieu, E., Bader, W., Hermans, C., Kumps, N., Metzger, J.-M., Duflot, V., Wang, Z., Palm, M., and De Mazière, M., Atmospheric CO and CH4 time series and seasonal variations on Reunion Island from ground-based in situ and FTIR (NDACC and TCCON) measurements, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18, 13881-13901,
Tags: CH4, CO, FTIR

2018, Nikitin, A.V., X.Thomas, L.Daumont, M.Rey, K.Sung, G.C.Toon, M.A.H.Smith, A.W.Mantz, A.E.Protasevich, S.A.Tashkuna, Vl.G.Tyuterev, Assignment and modelling of 12CH4 spectra in the 5550-5695, 5718-5725 and 5792-5814 cm-1 regions, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 219, 323-332,
Tags: CH4, FTIR

2018, Garcia, R.D., Barreto, A., Cuevas, E., Gröbner, J., García, O. E., Gómez-Peláez, A., Romero-Campos, P. M., Redondas, A., Cachorro, V. E., and Ramos, R., Comparison of observed and modeled cloud-free longwave downward radiation (2010–2016) at the high mountain BSRN Izaña station, Geoscientific Model Development, 11, 2139-2152,
Tags: CH4, FTIR, N2O, Satellite, Validation

2018, Cherepova, M.V., S.P. Smyshlyaev, M.V. Makarova, Yu.M. Timofeyev, A.V. Poberovskiy, and G.M. Shved, A Study of the Column Methane Short-Term Variability in the Atmosphere on a Regional Scale, Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 54, 5, 558–569,
Tags: CH4, FTIR

2018, Berjón, A., Redondas, A., Sildoja, M.-M., Nevas, S., Wilson, K., León-Luis, S. F., El Gawhary, O. and Fountoulakis, I, Sensitivity study of the instrumental temperature corrections on Brewer total ozone column measurements, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 11, 3323–3337,
Tags: Brewer, Ozone

2018, Boynard, A., Hurtmans, D., Garane, K., Goutail, F., Hadji-Lazaro, J., Koukouli, M. E., Wespes, C., Vigouroux, C., Keppens, A., Pommereau, J.-P., Pazmino, A., Balis, D., Loyola, D., Valks, P., Sussmann, R., Smale, D., Coheur, P.-F., and Clerbaux, C, Validation of the IASI FORLI/EUMETSAT ozone products using satellite (GOME-2), ground-based (Brewer–Dobson, SAOZ, FTIR) and ozonesonde measurements, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 11, 5125-5152,
Tags: Brewer, Dobson, FTIR, Ozone, Satellite, UVVis, Validation

2018, Rimmer, J.S., Redondas, A. and Karppinen, T, EuBrewNet – A European Brewer network (COST Action ES1207), an overview, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18(14), 10347–10353,
Tags: Brewer, Ozone

2018, López-Solano, J., Redondas, A., Carlund, T., Rodriguez-Franco, J. J., Diémoz, H., León-Luis, S. F., Hernández-Cruz, B., Guirado-Fuentes, C., Kouremeti, N., Gröbner, J., Kazadzis, S., Carreño, V., Berjón, A., Santana-Díaz, D., Rodríguez-Valido, M., Bock, V. D., Moreta, J. R., Rimmer, J., Smedley, A. R. D., Boulkelia, L., Jepsen, N., Eriksen, P., Bais, A. F., Shirotov, V., Vilaplana, J. M., Wilson, K. M. and Karppinen, T., Aerosol optical depth in the European Brewer Network, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18, 3885–3902,
Tags: Aerosol, Brewer, Ozone

2018, Redondas, A., Carreño, V., León-Luis, S. F., Hernández-Cruz, B., López-Solano, J., Rodriguez-Franco, J. J., Vilaplana, J. M., Gröbner, J., Rimmer, J., Bais, A. F., Savastiouk, V., Moreta, J. R., Boulkelia, L., Jepsen, N., Wilson, K. M., Shirotov, V. and Karppinen, T., EUBREWNET RBCC-E Huelva 2015 Ozone Brewer Intercomparison, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18(13), 9441–9455,
Tags: Brewer, Ozone

2018, Lakkala, K., Redondas, A., Meinander, O., Thölix, L., Hamari, B., Almansa Rodríguez, A. F., Carreno, V., García Cabrera, R. D., Torres, C., Deferrari, G., Ochoa, H., Bernhard, G., Sánchez, R. and Leeuw, G. de, UV measurements at Marambio and Ushuaia during 2000–2010, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18, 16019–16031,
Tags: Brewer, Ozone, UV Irradiance