
2023, Sauvageat, E., Hocke, K., Maillard Barras, E., Hou, S., Errera, Q., Haefele, A., Murk, A., Microwave radiometer observations of the ozone diurnal cycle and its short-term variability over Switzerland, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,
Tags: Diurnal, Microwave, Ozone

2023, Johnson, B.J., Cullis, P., Booth, J., Petropavlovskikh, I., McConville, G., Hassler, B., Morris, G. A., Sterling, C., Oltmans, S., South Pole Station ozonesondes: variability and trends in the springtime Antarctic ozone hole 1986–2021, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 23, 3133–3146,
Tags: Dobson, Ozone, Sonde, Trends

2023, Whaley, C.H., Law, K. S., Hjorth, J. L., Skov, H., Arnold, S. R., Langner, J., Pernov, J. B., Bergeron, G., Bourgeois, I., Christensen, J. H., Chien, R.-Y., Deushi, M., Dong, X., Effertz, P., Faluvegi, G., Flanner, M., Fu, J. S., Gauss, M., Huey, G., Im, U., Kivi, R., Marelle, L., Onishi, T., Oshima, N., Petropavlovskikh, I., Peischl, J., Plummer, D. A., Pozzoli, L., Raut, J.-C., Ryerson, T., Skeie, R., Solberg, S., Thomas, M. A., Thompson, C., Tsigaridis, K., Tsyro, S., Turnock, S. T., von Salzen, K., and Tarasick, D. W., Paper 1: Arctic tropospheric ozone: assessment of current knowledge and model performance, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 23, 637–661,
Tags: Arctic, Ozone, Sonde, Tropospheric Ozone

2023, Petkov, B.H., V.Vitale, P. Di Carlo, O. Drofa, D. Mastrangelo, A. R. D. Smedley, H. Diémoz, A.M. Siani, I. Fountoulakis, A.R. Webb, A. Bais, R. Kift, J. Rimmer, G. Rocco Casale, G.H. Hansen, T. Svendby, A. Pazmino, R. Werner, A.M. Atanassov, K.Láska, H. De Backer, A. Mangold, U. Köhler, V.A. Velazco, R. Stübi, A.Solomatnikova, K. Pavlova, P.S. Sobolewski, B. Johnsen, F. Goutail, O. Mišaga, E. Aruffo, L. Metelka, Z.Tóth, D. Fekete, A.A. Aculinin, A. Lupi, M. Mazzola, F. Zardi , An Unprecedented Arctic Ozone Depletion Event During Spring 2020 and its Impacts Across Europe, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128, e2022JD037581, https://doi: 10.1029/2022JD037581
Tags: Brewer, Ozone

2023, Trickl, T., Couret, C., Ries, L., Vogelmann, H., Zugspitze ozone 1970–2020: the role of stratosphere–troposphere transport, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 23, 8403–8427,
Tags: Lidar, Ozone

2022, Lei, L., Berkoff, T. A., Gronoff, G., Su, J., Nehrir, A. R., Wu, Y., ... & Kuang, S, Retrieval of UVB aerosol extinction profiles from the ground-based Langley Mobile Ozone Lidar (LMOL) system, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 5(8), 2465-2478
Tags: Aerosol, Lidar, Ozone, UVB

2022, Mettig, N., Weber, M., Rozanov, A., Burrows, J. P., Veefkind, P., Thompson, A. M., ... & Skrivankova, P., Combined UV and IR ozone profile retrieval from TROPOMI and CrIS measurements, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 15(9), 2955-2978,
Tags: Lidar, Ozone, Satellite

2022, Steinbrecht, W. , Leblanc, T, Lidars in the Network for Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC) and the Tropospheric Ozone Lidar Network (TOLNet), Handbook of Air Quality and Climate Change, pp. 1-24, Ed. Springer Nature,
Tags: Lidar, Ozone

2022, Ancellet, G., Godin-Beekmann S., Smit H., Stauffer R., van Malderen R., Bodichon R., Pazmino A., Homogenization of the Observatoire de Haute Provence electrochemical concentration cell (ECC) ozonesonde data record: comparison with lidar and satellite observations, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 15 (10), pp.3105-3120,
Tags: Lidar, Ozone, Satellite, Sonde

2022, Chang, K., Cooper O., Gaudel A., Allaart M., Ancellet G., Clark H., Godin-Beekmann S., Leblanc T., van Malderen R., Nédélec P., Petropavlovskikh I. et al., Impact of the COVID‐19 Economic Downturn on Tropospheric Ozone Trends: An Uncertainty Weighted Data Synthesis for Quantifying Regional Anomalies Above Western North America and Europe, AGU Advances, 3 (2), pp.e2021AV000542,
Tags: COVID, Lidar, Ozone, Trends