
2022, Butz, A., Hanft V., Kleinschek R., Frey M. M., Müller A., Knapp M., Morino I., Agusti-Panareda A., Hase F., Landgraf J., Vardag S., Tanimoto H., Versatile and Targeted Validation of Space-Borne XCO2, XCH4 and XCO Observations by Mobile Ground-Based Direct-Sun Spectrometers, Frontiers in Remote Sensing, 2, 53,
Tags: FTIR, Validation, XCH4, XCO, XCO2

2005, Park, C.B., et al., Long-Range Transport at Saharan Dust to East Asia Observed with Lidars, Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere, 1, 121-124, 2005 032
Tags: Aerosol, Lidar

2001, Santacesaria, V., A.R. MacKenzie and L. Stefanutti, A climatological study of polar stratospheric clouds (1989–1997) from lidar measurements over Dumont d'Urville (Antarctica), Tellus B, 53, 306-321,
Tags: Lidar, PSC

1996, McKenzie, R.L., G. E. Bodeker, D. J. Keep, M. Kotkamp, and J. H. Evans, UV radiation in New Zealand: measured North to South differences, and relationship to other latitudes, Weather and Climate, 16, 17-26
Tags: Spectral UV, UV Irradiance

1994, Bodeker, G.E., McKenzie, R.L., Erythemal UV at 45S: longitudinal and secular variability, Weather and Climate, 13, 17-21
Tags: Erythemal UV, Spectral UV

1992, White, M.G., Smith, G.J.; Ryan, K.G.; Coppell, R.B.; Backshall, D.; Edmunds, C.J.; McKenzie, R.L, Erythemal and carcinogenic ultraviolet radiation at three New Zealand cities, Weather and Climate, 12, 83-88
Tags: Erythemal UV, Spectral UV

1991, McKenzie, R.L., Application of a simple model to calculate latitudinal and hemispheric differences in ultraviolet radiation, Weather and Climate, 3-14
Tags: Spectral UV, UV Irradiance