
2022, Pardo Cantos, I., E. Mahieu, M. P. Chipperfield, D. Smale, J. W. Hannigan, M. Friedrich, P. Fraser, P.Krummel, M. Prignon, J. Makkor, C. Servaisj and J. Robinson, Determination and analysis of time series of CFC-11 (CCl3F) from FTIR solar spectra, in situ observations, and model data in the past 20 years above Jungfraujoch (46°N), Lauder (45°S), and Cape Grim (40°S) stations, Environmental Sciences, 2, 1487-1501,
Tags: CFC, FTIR, Model

2021, Sauvageat, E. , R. Albers, M. Kotiranta, K. Hocke, R. M. Gomez, G. Nedoluha, and A. Murk, Comparison of Three High Resolution Real-Time Spectrometers for Microwave Ozone Profiling Instruments, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 14, 10045-10056,
Tags: Microwave, Ozone, Validation

2005, Zander, R., E. Mahieu, P. Demoulin, P. Duchatelet, C. Servais, G. Roland, L. Delbouille, M. De Mazière and C.P. Rinsland, Evolution of a dozen non-CO2 greenhouse gases above Central Europe since the mid-1980s, Environmental Sciences, 2 (2-3), 295-303
Tags: FTIR

2005, Park, C.B., et al., Long-Range Transport at Saharan Dust to East Asia Observed with Lidars, Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere, 1, 121-124, 2005 032
Tags: Aerosol, Lidar

2005, De Mazière, M., C. Vigouroux, T. Gardiner, M. Coleman, P. Woods, K. Ellingsen, M. Gauss, I. Isaksen, T. Blumenstock, F. Hase, I. Kramer, C. Camy-Peyret, P. Chelin, E. Mahieu, P. Demoulin, P. Duchatelet, J. Mellqvist, A. Strandberg, V. Velazco, J. Notholt, R. Sussmann, W. Stremme, and A. Rockmann, The exploitation of ground-based Fourier transform infrared observations for the evaluation of tropospheric trends of greenhouse gases over Europe, Environmental Sciences, 2 (2-3), 283-293
Tags: FTIR, Trends

1991, Noltholt, J., Hjorth, J., Raes, F., Long-Path Field Measurements of Aerosol Parameters and Trace Gas Concentrations - Formation of Nitrous Acid During Foggy Periods, Journal of Aerosol Science, 22 Supplement 1, S411-S414
Tags: Aerosol, FTIR, HNO2

1991, Herber, A., Wendisch, M., Leiterer, W., Notholt, J., Measurements of the Optical Depth and Retrieval of Aerosol Parameters in the Polar Regions, Journal of Aerosol Science, 22 Supplement 1, S415-S418,
Tags: Aerosol, FTIR, Polar

1990, Notholt, J., Raes, F., Test of Insitu Measurements of Atmospheric Aerosols and Trace Gases by Long Path Transmission Spectroscopy, Journal of Aerosol Science, 21 Supplement 1, S193-S196
Tags: Aerosol, FTIR

1989, Flesia, C., Koelsch, H.J., Rairoux, P., Wolf, J.P., Woste, L., Remote Measurement of the Aerosol Size Distribution by Lidar, Journal of Aerosol Science, 20, 1213-1216
Tags: Aerosol, Lidar