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Tags: FTIR

2008, Ferrari, C.P., Padova, C., Fain, X., Gauchard, P. A., Dommergue, A., Aspmo, K., Berg, T., Cairns, W., Barbante, C., Cescon, P., Kaleschke L., Richter, A., Wittrock, F., Boutron, C., Atmospheric mercury depletion event study in Ny-Alesund (Svalbard) in spring 2005. Deposition and transformation of Hg in surface snow during springtime, Science of the Total Environment, 397,167-177
Tags: Hg, UVVis

2007, Nagahama, T., H. Nakane, Y. Fujinuma, A. Morihira, A. Mizuno, H. Ogawa, and Y. Fukui, Ground-based Millimeter-wave Radiometer for Measuring the Stratospheric Ozone over Rikubetsu, Japan, Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 85, 4, 495-509
Tags: Microwave, Ozone

1995, Gruzdev, A.N., Possible changes in the dose of biologically active ultraviolet radiation received by the biosphere in the summertime arctic due to total ozone interannual variability, Science of the Total Environment, 161: 669-675,
Tags: Arctic, Erythemal UV, Ozone

1993, Nakane, H., Y. Sasano, SS. Hayashida, N. Sugimoto, I. Matsui, A. Minato and M.P. McCormick, Comparison of ozone profiles obtained with NIES DIAL and SAGE II measurements, Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 71, 153 – 159
Tags: Lidar, Ozone, Satellite, Validation