
1994, Gruzdev, A.N., Sitnov, S.A., Analysis of the Annual Variation of Tropospheric and Stratospheric Ozone Derived from Ozonesonde Data, Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 30(4): 491-500
Tags: Ozone, Sonde, Tropospheric Ozone

1994, Whiteway, J.A., Carswell, A.I., Rayleigh Lidar Ovservations of Thermal Structure and Gravity-wave Activity in the High Arctic During a Stratospheric Warning, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 51(21): 3122-3136
Tags: Arctic, Lidar, SSW, Temperature

1992, Lacoste, A.M., S. Godin, G. Mégie, Lidar measurements and Umkehr observations of the ozone vertical distribution at the Observatoire de Haute-Provence, Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, 54, 571-582
Tags: Lidar, Ozone, Umkehr, Validation

1991, Gruzdev, A.N., Sitnov, S.A., Anomalies inthe Instra-Annual Ozone Variability in Polar REgions from Ozone Sounding Data: Resolute and Amundsen-Scott Stations, Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 27(4): 272-279
Tags: Ozone, Polar, Sonde

1991, Carswell, A.I., S. R. Pal, W. Steinbrecht, J. A. Whiteway, A. Ulitsky, and T. Y. Wang, Lidar Measurements of the Middle Atmosphere, Canadian Journal of Physics, 69, 1076-1086
Tags: Lidar

1987, Lobsiger, E., Ground-based microwave radiometry to determine stratospheric and mesospheric ozone, Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, 49, 493-501
Tags: Microwave, Ozone

1986, Lobsiger, E., K.F. Kunzi, Night-time increase of mesospheric ozone measured with ground-based microwave radiometry, Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, 48, 1153-1158
Tags: Microwave, Ozone

1984, Russell, P.B., M.P. McCormick, T.J. Swissler, J.M. Rosen, D.J. Hofmann, and L.R. McMaster, Satellite and correlative measurements of the stratospheric aerosol III: Comparison of measurements made by SAMII, SAGE, dustsondes, filters, impactors, and Lidar, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 41, 1792-1800
Tags: Aerosol, Satellite, Sonde, Validation

1984, Lobsiger, E., K.F. Kunzi and H.U. Dutsch, Comparison of stratospheric ozone profiles retreived from microwave-radiometer and Dobsonspectrometer data, Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, vol. 46, 799-806
Tags: Dobson, Microwave, Ozone

1983, Mastenbrook, H.J., Oltmans, S. J, Stratospheric water vapor variability for Washington, DC/Boulder, CO: 1964–82, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 40, 2157–2165
Tags: H2O, Sonde