
2016, Karppinen, T., Lakkala, K., Karhu, J. M., Heikkinen, P., Kivi, R., and Kyrö, E., Brewer spectrometer total ozone column measurements in Sodankylä, Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems, 5, 229-239,
Tags: Brewer, Ozone

2001, Santacesaria, V., A.R. MacKenzie and L. Stefanutti, A climatological study of polar stratospheric clouds (1989–1997) from lidar measurements over Dumont d'Urville (Antarctica), Tellus B, 53, 306-321,
Tags: Lidar, PSC

1993, Finger, F.G., M. E. Gelman, J. D. Wild, M. L. Chanin, A. Hauchecorne and A. J. Miller, Evaluation of NMC upper-stratospheric temperature analyses using rocketsonde and lidar data, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 74, 789-799
Tags: Lidar, Rocket, Satellite, Temperature, Validation